CBD and contraceptives. We explain what they are, and which are the most common pregnancy prevention methods Enter!
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Articles with CBD data
Tantric exercises to improve your sexuality
Tantra is a complex and ancient practice with a wide range of techniques. Can be used to enhance sexual experiences
Gifts for people with anxiety
When it comes to selecting gifts for people with anxiety, it is important to keep in mind that everyone's experiences and coping mechanisms are different. However, in this article we share with you some gift ideas that can be beneficial for people with anxiety.What...
CBD for studying
Did you know that you can use CBD to study and improve your academic performance? Enter to find out how CBD helps you study better!
Is CBD oil safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding?
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are very delicate times for the health of mother and baby, so many substances are not compatible with the process. If this is your case and you are not sure about the effects that CBD oil can have on your body, you should know this...
What is Bisabolol, and what are its benefits?
Bisabolol, a cannabinoid that despite being little known, is known to have enormous medicinal potential Enter now!
CBD for gamers
In this article about CBD for gamers we will tell you what science says about the use of CBD in videogames Enter!
Sertraline defines a variety of ailments, such as anxiety, panic attacks and depression How does CBD relate?
CBD: The gift for Father’s Day
If you are looking for the best gift for Father’s Day, we recommend the CBD sleeping drops Enter!
CBD: Gift for Grandparents’ Day
This cannabidiol provides many healthy benefits to the elderly, improving their quality of life Enter!
CBD overdose
If you are a regular consumer of cannabidiol you may have wondered if it is possible to suffer a CBD overdose, we explain it to you!
Hemp ethanol
Hemp ethanol has positioned itself as a fuel of the future with great benefits for the population Enter now!
Allergy to CBD Can you have it?
CBD allergy is possible, which is why it is recommended that you learn to identify the symptoms Enter now!
21 days taking CBD oil
Millions of people enjoy CBD on a regular basis. However, what happens after 21 days of taking CBD oil? Come in now!
What percentage of CBD oil is right for me?
If you are using CBD for the first time, you may have trouble determining its potency just by looking at the label. We explain it to you Enter!
Chicken salad with CBD oil dressing
An unconventional salad dressing. We are talking about a recipe for chicken salad dressed with CBD oil Enter now!
CBD oil for boxing
CBD oil for boxing, is being used by boxers of all levels to improve their performance Get in now!
Cannabis cryptocurrencies
Cannabis Cryptocurrencies versus Traditional Cryptocurrencies: Which is Better for the Industry? The problems they face
Does CBD interact with fluoxetine (Prozac)?
Have you been taking Prozac and now wonder if you can combine it with CBD? We give you all the information.
Cannabis cryptocurrencies
Cannabis Cryptocurrencies versus Traditional Cryptocurrencies: Which is Better for the Industry? The problems they face
Hemp in textiles
Hemp, Cannabis sativa, makes the production of high quality textiles environmentally friendly and locally produced.
Difference between opiate and opioid
Opiate and opioid are confused. But the term opiate refers to the origin of the substance in relation to opium.
Regulate immune system with CBD
Studies have shown that cannabinoids enhance cytokine production. Come in to find out more!
Adenosine and caffeine
Adenosine directly affects the quality and duration of sleep. How does caffeine affect adenosine? We explain it to you!
Buy CBD in Tenerife
You can buy CBD in Tenerife at the best price and with all the guarantees and quality in Higea CBD. Come in now!
Buy CBD in Gijón
In Asturias is the main online CBD shop. High quality CBD oils with delivery within 24 hours, no shipping costs.
Buy CBD in Barcelona
Do you want to buy CBD oil in Barcelona? In Higea CBD you will find the best range of CBD of own production. Come in now!
What is nerolidol and its properties?
Nerolidol is one of the 120 terpenes present in the cannabis plant. It gives it a characteristic smell and taste. Discover its properties!
CBD is legal in Europe
There is a lot of talk about CBD. Is it legal in Europe? What is legal and what is not in CBD oil? Come in and find out!
How does cannabis interact with mental treatments?
Cannabis is being used in various treatments for mental illnesses, such as Parkinson’s disease. Come in and find out how!
CBD for the skin
CBD can be applied topically in oils or creams and has beneficial qualities for your skin. Come in and find out!
What is myrcene and its properties?
Myrcene is the most abundant terpene in the cannabis plant. Aroma and flavor terrorso Do you know what are its properties and benefits?
What is terpinolene and its properties?
Terpinolene is a cannabis terpene with floral, woody and even slightly fruity tones. Want to know more?
What is pinene and its properties?
Pinene is one of the terpenes found in cannabis that has a very characteristic smell and properties. Come in and find out!
What is ocimene and guaiol and its properties?
Terpenes have very characteristic smells, tastes and properties. One of the terpenes in cannabis is ocimene. Come in and find out!
What is linalool and its properties?
Linalool is one of the terpenes present in the cannabis plant and in many other flowers. It has a spicy touch. Come in now!
Camphene is one of the cannabinoids present in the cannabis or marijuana plant. If you want to discover its benefits, enter now!
What is geraniol and its properties?
Geraniol is a terpene present in the geranium or lemon. It is a terpene with anti-inflammatory properties. Want to know more?
Are cannabinoids absorbed through the skin?
What is the right way to consume cannabinoids? Can they be absorbed through the skin? We answer all your questions. Enters!
What is cannabigerol (CBG)?
CBG or cannabigerol is one of the many cannabinoids in cannabis and hemp, and is derived from CBGA. Come in now!
Endocannabinoid system
The endocanabinoid system is in our body and is a set of receptors that fit with cannabis. Want to know more?
The Greek goddess who inspired our CBD brand: Higea
Our Higea CBD brand was inspired by one of the most recognized Greek goddesses in our day, related to pharmacies. Enters!
Aceite Higea CBD 5%
Higea CBD 5% oil helps you recover quickly from your sports workouts
Aceite Higea CBD 10%
Higea CBD at 10% is recommended to take before bed or reduce stress situations
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