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Articles with CBD data

Gifts for people with anxiety

Gifts for people with anxiety

When it comes to selecting gifts for people with anxiety, it is important to keep in mind that everyone's experiences and coping mechanisms are different. However, in this article we share with you some gift ideas that can be beneficial for people with anxiety.What...

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CBD for studying

CBD for studying

Did you know that you can use CBD to study and improve your academic performance? Enter to find out how CBD helps you study better!

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Is CBD oil safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Is CBD oil safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are very delicate times for the health of mother and baby, so many substances are not compatible with the process. If this is your case and you are not sure about the effects that CBD oil can have on your body, you should know this...

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CBD for gamers

CBD for gamers

In this article about CBD for gamers we will tell you what science says about the use of CBD in videogames Enter!

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Sertraline defines a variety of ailments, such as anxiety, panic attacks and depression How does CBD relate?

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CBD overdose

CBD overdose

If you are a regular consumer of cannabidiol you may have wondered if it is possible to suffer a CBD overdose, we explain it to you!

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Hemp ethanol

Hemp ethanol has positioned itself as a fuel of the future with great benefits for the population Enter now!

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Hemp in textiles

Hemp in textiles

Hemp, Cannabis sativa, makes the production of high quality textiles environmentally friendly and locally produced.

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Camphene is one of the cannabinoids present in the cannabis or marijuana plant. If you want to discover its benefits, enter now!

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Aceite Higea CBD 5%


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Higea CBD 5% oil helps you recover quickly from your sports workouts

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Aceite Higea CBD 10%


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Higea CBD at 10% is recommended to take before bed or reduce stress situations

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Hygea CBD Oil 20%.


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Higea CBD 20% is indicated for people with anxiety problems and ongoing ailments

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Hygea CBD oil 30%.


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Higea CBD 30% is effective for people with chronic diseases, severe pains. It’s antiemetic

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