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How to take CBD oil
Guide for starting to take CBD
First of all you should know that the use of CBD as an alternative for pain relief has become very popular. In fact, if you have reached this page, it is because your ailments have surely become unbearable to the point of considering cannabis as a treatment for pain. However, how can you know the right dosage of Cannabidiol to rid your body of pain?
With this guide on how to take CBD oil you will know the dose in milligrams of cannabidiol, how you should take it, as well as how you can find the right dose.
As an active component of cannabis, it is no longer used only for recreational purposes, but is now used for medicinal purposes. Of course, one of its most common applications is precisely in oil.
In fact, CBD oil is one of the preferred alternatives when using the cannabinoid as a treatment for pain.
Besides, you have nothing to worry about, since the use of this oil is safe, therapeutic. It has even been approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2017.
Thanks to this, its popularity has increased significantly, as well as the interest in learning how to use it.
That is why we have prepared this guide so that you can learn how to take CBD safely and with all the guarantees.
How to calculate the right CBD dose?
We will start by explaining how CBD oil is used. Because the products we mention are made with cannabidiol, we conclude that if ingested sublingually, the oil has a faster effect.
The advantage of CBD oil is that you can use it in different ways. For example, you can apply it locally, add it to a drink or food, even put it directly in your mouth. Whichever way you choose to use it, the effect will always be the same. In this case, our CBD oil, like all those sold in Spain, is indicated for topical use, although in countries such as Belgium, France, Germany, the United States and Portugal, among others, its use is sublingual, that is, under the tongue.
As for the dose of CBD oil, they are smaller compared to gels or creams. However, with the cannabidiol format a greater effect is achieved on a wider range of diseases. Especially in degenerative diseases such as epilepsy or even Parkinson’s disease.
It is also important to mention that we use MCT as carrier oil, which is extracted directly from the coconut. The goal is to protect the CBD once it has been ingested, preventing the digestive acids from destroying it. In fact, this is one of the reasons why it is applied under the tongue.
At Higea CBD we offer you only the highest quality products on the market. Not only that, we guarantee that the extraction, as well as the bottling of the CBD oil, complies with all safety and quality regulations. In this way we make it an approved cosmetic and medicinal product.
The following tables on the dosage of CBD oil are available. They will help you determine how many drops of each type of product to add based on their concentration, your weight, and condition.
CBD Oil 5% – CBD 500 mg cannabidiol
Nivel de dolor / peso | 11kg | 12-20kg | 21-38kg | 39-68kg | 69-108kg | +108kg |
LEVE | 6 gotas | 7 gotas | 9 gotas | 10 gotas | 13 gotas | 15 gotas |
MEDIO | 7 gotas | 9 gotas | 10 gotas | 12 gotas | 15 gotas | 19 gotas |
GRAVE | 8 gotas | 10 gotas | 12 gotas | 16 gotas | 19 gotas | 25 gotas |
CBD Oil 10% – CBD 1000 mg cannabidiol
Nivel de dolor / peso | 11kg | 12-20kg | 21-38kg | 39-68kg | 69-108kg | +108kg |
LEVE | 2 gotas | 4 gotas | 5 gotas | 7 gotas | 9 gotas | 11 gotas |
MEDIO | 3 gotas | 4 gotas | 6 gotas | 8 gotas | 10 gotas | 12 gotas |
GRAVE | 3 gotas | 5 gotas | 7 gotas | 9 gotas | 11 gotas | 15 gotas |
CBD Oil 20% – CBD 2000 mg cannabidiol
Nivel de dolor / peso | 11kg | 12-20kg | 21-38kg | 39-68kg | 69-108kg | +108kg |
LEVE | 3 gotas | 6 gotas | 6 gotas | 6 gotas | 7 gotas | 8 gotas |
MEDIO | 3 gotas | 6 gotas | 7 gotas | 7 gotas | 8 gotas | 9 gotas |
GRAVE | 3 gotas | 7 gotas | 7 gotas | 7 gotas | 8 gotas | 10 gotas |
CBD Oil 30% – CBD 3000 mg of cannabidiol
Nivel de dolor / peso | 11kg | 12-20kg | 21-38kg | 39-68kg | 69-108kg | +108kg |
LEVE | 1 gotas | 1 gotas | 3 gotas | 5 gotas | 5 gotas | 6 gotas |
MEDIO | 1 gotas | 2 gotas | 4 gotas | 6 gotas | 6 gotas | 8 gotas |
GRAVE | 1 gotas | 3 gotas | 5 gotas | 8 gotas | 8 gotas | 9 gotas |
What are the concentration percentages in Higea CBD oil?
Each of the above tables corresponds to one bottle of CBD oil with a percentage of between 5% and 30%. This is the percentage concentration of CBD, however, our MCT carrier oil, is combined with cannabidiol in such percentages. For better understanding, please note the following:
- CBD oil 5%: 2.3mg CBD per drop
- CBD oil 10%: 4.6mg CBD per drop
- CBD oil 20%: 9.2mg CBD per drop
- CBD oil 30%: 13.8mg CBD per drop
If you plan to use our CBD oils to treat the symptoms of a disease, we recommend starting with low concentrations. Eventually you can gradually increase it to find out how your body reacts to CBD. In this way you will be able to know the most suitable concentration for your body.
CBD Dosing
As with traditional medicines, finding the right dose of CBD oil requires a testing process. Ideally, at certain doses the oil works without problems considering aspects such as age, weight, sex, as well as pain intensity.
However, the same dose in two people with identical characteristics has been shown to work in different ways.
Therefore, constant testing is recommended.
As indicated above, the most suitable for those who are just starting to use CBD oil is to do so with as low a dose as possible. Gradually increase the dose in a controlled manner.
Consequently, it is best to start with a low dose as a starting point, and then move to higher, more effective doses.
An important aspect in calculating the initial CBD dosage is to consider aspects such as weight and the intensity of the symptoms to be treated.
With low discomfort
Good health in general, with episodes of migraine.
1mg per 5 kg.
With high discomfort
Cancer, epilepsy (CBD is antiemetic and can help prevent vomiting and nausea)
6 mg per 5kg.
Does CBD oil have side effects?
As long as it is used correctly, CBD oil works as a safe treatment and produces no side effects.
Here we emphasize the most important aspect of treatment: dosage.
In other words, as mentioned above, it is best to start treatment with low doses, even if they produce the desired effects. Then increase the dose gradually until the body gets used to it. If the opposite is done, it is possible that side effects may appear, which would be related to the incorrect use of the product.
How to take cannabis oil
Since CBD oil is available in various forms, it is worth mentioning the minimum criteria to consider when choosing the best way to take cannabis oil.
It should also be noted that these criteria may be different from one person to another. Ultimately, we recommend that you consult with a physician who specializes in this type of therapeutic treatment to determine the most appropriate method of consumption.
Let’s look at some of these criteria below:
Patient’s own conditions
There are many factors that weigh heavily on each person that may cause the doctor to choose one presentation over another.
Therefore, if most of your ailments are related to skin problems, the best way to take CBD oil will not be through the oral route.
Therapeutic durability
Depending on how long the effect is expected to last, one route of administration is chosen instead of another.
If CBD oil is used to treat rheumatic pains, the use of pastes or ointments is usually recommended.
This oil can also be applied as many times as necessary to the affected area. This prolongs the relief effects.
In people with chronic pain, different routes of administration are most often combined for more effective and long-lasting results
Expected response type
If the patient experiences pain caused by neural injuries or diseases, the recommended route of administration is sublingually.
It is the best way if the patient requires a faster effect on his body, CBD liver oils have a higher biodisponibility.
What uses does CBD oil have?
CBD oil can be used in different ways, but they all depend on the disease and the doctor’s prescription. Speaking of its properties, CBD is used to cure chronic pain, as a treatment for insomnia, and is even used as a dietary supplement.
It is also known to work well as a treatment for anxiety disorders, stress relief, as well as treating the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.
In addition, CBD oil also helps to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy (because of its antiemetic effect), as well as certain eating disorders that are related to digestive disorders. Cannabis oil for joint pain is also an effective solution for this type of ailment.
In addition, CBD oil improves the quality of sleep and reduces the harmful effects of stress. More importantly, it makes the immune system work better by boosting defenses against different ailments.
What is CBD oil for?
Although the origin of cannabis is millions of years old, CBD oil as such has been known for only 80 years. In fact, it was in 1940 when scientists from the University of Illinois in the United States discovered one of its main components, CBD.
Not long after that, it was possible to extract this component and from that moment on CBD oil has become one of the most widely used therapeutic medical treatments.
What CBD oil is used for:
- It is used to treat diseases such as epilepsy and cancer.
- It is also used to relieve pain and inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Because of its analgesic properties, it is used to suppress or relieve pain sensations.
- In addition, its relaxing properties help to relieve anxiety, stress, as well as relax the nervous system.
For all these reasons, CBD oil is used to relax the body, relieve pain, and even in many cases CBD oil helps to lose weight, in the same way that marijuana does.
Research is currently underway into the positive effects it can have on diseases such as autism.
It is worth mentioning that years ago, research carried out in Israel with different tests, resulted in CBD oil being used for the treatment of this disease. It was even concluded that it may delay the onset of her symptoms. However, it is not recommended to prescribe CBD for autism, mainly because it is not known how patients will react.
In addition, each person is different and none has the same metabolism as to use CBD oil in such cases. Particularly when it comes to diseases such as autism, which is known to occur in varying degrees depending on the patient.
Where can you get CBD oil?
It is now known that CBD can be obtained from various forms of cannabis, including hemp, better known as cannabis sativa. This is a variant of cannabis that is characterized by its low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. This variant was created for medicinal purposes because it inhibits the potential psychoactive experience that THC can produce.
At this point it is important to clarify that CBD hemp oil is only available in countries where marijuana is used for medicinal purposes.
This is because only special strains of cannabis, such as cannabis sativa, are allowed to be grown and cared for in order to extract the oil.
It is also possible to obtain CBD oil from a traditional cannabis plant. In this case, the content of other cannabinoids, particularly Tetrahydrocannabinol, is much higher.
Because of the way it is extracted, many consider that this oil tends to be more pure and natural, since it is obtained directly from a strain of the plant. In addition, it can provide much more effective therapeutic effects as a result of the properties of THC).
But while these arguments are acceptable, the reality is that the decision on which plant is best to consume will depend on both the disease and the treatment to be prescribed.
Generally, when it is necessary to combine a therapeutic treatment for pain, with anti-inflammatory effects, or even when it comes to neuropathic pain, a combination of THC with CBD, in concentrations of maximum 0.2%, is the most recommendable option. Therefore the cannabis plant is used.
If you are looking for relief from the discomfort of chemotherapy, the CBD oil from cannabis sativa is the most suitable.
Despite all of the above, people who have never heard of CBD oil may wonder:what is CBD oil for? Before answering this question, it is first important to know where CBD oil comes from.
Where does CBD oil come from?
Regardless of the type of medicine, it is always very important to know what it is for, and also where it comes from.
In this regard, it is known that for thousands of years, cannabis has been one of the plants that has brought the most benefits to humans.
Cannabis originated in Asia, specifically in Afghanistan, around the Himalayas. Because of this origin, cannabis is considered to be one of the plants best adapted to all kinds of climatic conditions. From hot and humid climates, to dry and cold climates. Although this plant is cultivated almost everywhere in the world, there are two regions where it cannot grow:
- Antarctica
- The Desert
This is understandable since in the desert, the high temperatures and the scarce quantity of water, make the growth of cannabis impossible. In Antarctica it is also not possible to grow this plant due to the low temperatures that reach freezing point.
Obviously we are referring to an outdoor crop, where the climatic conditions have a direct effect. Therefore, cannabis can be grown indoors as long as the right conditions are provided for it to grow.
CBD oil presentations
Although the original presentation is the oil, the reality is that there are different presentations that can offer more or less benefits depending on each case.
That is, CBD oil is currently available in liquid, cream, capsules, paste, vaporizer liquids, as well as ointments and sprays.
In addition, in each of these presentations, the speed at which the effects are experienced and the level of control varies, in relation to the dose of CBD for the patient.
Based on this, the main way that many users tend to consume CBD oil is sublingually, but there are other ways as well, such as:
This is a method of spraying that requires heating the oil to the point where vapors are produced. It is also one of the preferred ways of using CBD oil.
Despite this, this method is not the most recommended, especially if you are trying medical cannabis for the first time.
Although its effects are rapid, this makes it a dangerous option, especially since the initial aim is to experiment until the right dose is found.
It is also one of the preferred methods of consuming CBD oil. Known as “vapeo”, vaporizing consists of using electronic cigarettes with CBD oils.
It is not necessary to use tobacco, nor other sources of combustion to heat the oil to the point of steam generation.
It is even considered a discreet and safe route of consumption, especially since low doses are used. In addition, the patient can go proving the effects as they are experienced.
A safe and convenient way to use CBD oil is to add it to drinks and foods. It can be added as an ingredient in food preparation, or as drops in food before consumption.
It is also considered a good way to use CBD oil as a therapeutic treatment for pain, gradually replacing the use of painkillers.
CBD oil ointments are recommended to treat pain from injuries or illnesses related to skin problems.
In addition to having analgesic properties, ointments also have antiseptic properties.
Therefore, they are an excellent alternative for treating irritations as well as other skin diseases that are often resistant to antibiotics.
Mostly CBD oil extracted from the cannabis plant is used, combined with THC.
If you find yourself in this situation, we recommend that you find out what carrier oils are. The reason is that some CBD oils can be highly concentrated and too strong to be consumed. It is therefore important to know what carrier oils are and what they are used for.
In any case, these are not serious side effects, or ones that may cause some kind of conflict in our body, even though they may be uncomfortable.
But ultimately it is essential to know everything about the uses of CBD oil, and to determine the exact and appropriate dose for consumption.
Should I choose isolated CBD oils or one extracted from plants?
At present, the synthesis of CBD oil isolated from other plant cannabinoids is already being performed. This oil has even become a more widely accepted pharmaceutical product than cannabis itself.
For this reason many wonder whether it is best to use isolated CBD oils that are extracted in their pure form, without incorporating the other cannabinoids in the plant. In the case of terpenoids, in conjunction with CBN, THC, and CBD, they provide a more effective therapeutic treatment.
Consequently, using isolated CBD oil does not offer the best therapeutic results for the patient, as does oil extracted directly from cannabis. This is because there are much lower concentrations of other active components of that plant.
It is also true that the use of CBD cannabis sativa oils is a more convenient option in countries where medical treatment with cannabis is illegal. In this sense, the use of pure CBD oil is not prohibited by law, however, oils combining THC and other components of cannabis are.
In short, the choice of the type of CBD oil will depend on the therapeutic treatment, and the laws in force in each country.
In any case, a medical specialist can provide advice on the best CBD oil.
Understanding how CBD works
Health and well-being
To finish the guide on how to take CBD oil
As indicated at the beginning, the use of CBD oil has become popular in virtually all parts of the world. This is because it is a therapeutic oil that provides relief from pain, inflammation, chronic symptoms, and many other ailments. In fact, CBD oil can be used to treat insomnia as well as digestive problems.
Nevertheless, the use of this oil should be gradual and based on a treatment supervised by a specialist. This is the only way to discover the most appropriate route of administration and dose.
It is not recommended to consume this product without first consulting a medical specialist. That’s why we’ve created this guide, to give you the most accurate information to help you understand how CBD oil works and the correct way to take it.
If you have doubts about which is the best CBD oil, or which is the most suitable option, you can contact our customer service, or leave your comment.
In case you’re already well-informed, check out our online store where you’ll find the best cannabis oils that are safe and of the highest quality.
In short, we advise you to:
Shop at a trusted store
See opinions and testimonials
Review the product description
Make sure you investigate everything about the oil-making process
Take into account the quality of the labelling, packaging, shipping costs, etc.
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