New WHO report says CBD not addictive or dangerous

When cannabis is discussed, the debate usually centers on whether marijuana is addictive, or whether marijuana is addictive. However, a new WHO report indicates that CBD is neither addictive nor dangerous.

Here we take a closer look at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) point of view on the use of cannabidiol CBD. We will also see how the social perception of CBD has changed as a result of multiple research and recommendations.

CBD is not addictive or dangerous, says WHO

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the most important active compounds present in the cannabis plant. However, CBD, unlike the other key active compound in the cannabis plant, tetrahydrocannbinol (THC), is not psychoactive. Therefore, CBD does not get you high or produce the euphoric effects associated with cannabis.

It is also worth mentioning that CBD is an extract of the cannabis plant, but is not subject to the same international controls as the cannabis plant itself when it comes to cultivation and distribution.

non addictive cbd who

WHO research on CBD

CBD does not appear to have addiction potential, nor does it appear to cause harm, according to the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence, who conducted research in November 2017.

Physical dependence on CBD has not been established in animal studies or controlled human studies. There was no resistance or withdrawal symptoms in the mouse trials, for example. CBD also does not appear to have any stimulant, intoxicating, physiological or psychotic impact.

The study revealed that an orally administered dose of 600 mg of CBD was no different from placebo on the Addiction Research Center Inventory, a 16-item Visual Analogue Mood Scale. Nor did it do so in terms of subjective level of intoxication or psychotic symptoms.

During animal research, CBD also did not trigger the release of dopamine in cells, something that is very common with most addictive drugs. On the other hand, THC use has also been linked to anxiety and a faster heart rate. However, none of these symptoms were observed in the participants of the WHO CBD trial.

It is therefore concluded that while marijuana is addictive, CBD is not, and does not even cause harm to the body.

How has this influenced the CBD market?

Following this, the WHO proposed in December 2017, that CBD should not be classified internationally as a controlled substance. Many nations, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia, have relaxed legislation on CBD use as a result of the findings and recommendations of the World Health Organization. In Spain, CBD is also legal.

Clearly there has been a change in the way CBD is perceived socially as a result of these studies. As a result, the demand for CBD products is increasing all the time. In fact, in countries like the UK, there are now hundreds of thousands of daily CBD users.

We should also mention that CBD is widely available in stores and online, so customers can buy it in a variety of forms, including oil for oral use, vitamins, ointments, as well as liquid for e-cigarettes and vaporizers.

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What conditions can be treated with CBD?

Since before you were born, your body’ s endocannabinoid system has been working hard to maintain cellular balance and help you heal from illness and injury.

This system is responsible for controlling the role of the immune, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Therefore, it has a profound impact on all aspects of our health. That is, it is present in all tissues and organs of the body.

Here are some of the health benefits of CBD:

benefits cbd who


Some people with anxiety disorders may benefit from CBD. In fact, this cannabidiol may be helpful in reducing anxiety associated with episodic stressful situations. It has other objectives, in addition to its impact on the endocannabinoid system, which explains some of its
anxiolytic effects
. CBD, for example, is a serotonin receptor agonist.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is related to feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. It also influences anxiety and nausea by stimulating the receptor in the same way that the neurotransmitter serotonin does. Therefore, CBD can help with anxiety, concentration and other mental health issues.

Helps you sleep better

Regular CBD users report that taking CBD before bedtime and in the middle of the night helps them relax and sleep better. Some also claim that taking it during the day helps them relax and sleep better at night.

It is recommended to test CBD in the morning and in the middle of the day for 3 to 5 days before testing it before bedtime. This is because normal, restful sleep is important for healing and preserving good health.

treat pain cbd who

It can also be used to treat pain

CBD has analgesic properties, which means it can relieve pain through a variety of mechanisms. For example, CBD activates the capsaicin receptor, for its pain and inflammation-fighting properties.

The best part is that CBD does not induce a burning sensation, unlike capsaicin, which is widely used in topical preparations for arthritic pain. This makes CBD treatment for pain much more pleasant.

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