Allergy to CBD

Is it possible to have?

by | 1 Jul, 2022 | Data

Although we have spoken on multiple occasions about the health benefits of CBD, it is important to note that there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction to cannabidiol. CBD allergy is possible, which is why it is recommended that you learn to identify the symptoms.

While it is true that cannabidiol has become famous for its therapeutic benefits, it is also a fact that it can cause allergic reactions in some people. That is, some users may develop an allergy to CBD that prevents them from enjoying all of its healthful effects.

If you are one of those people who suffer from cannabis allergy, in this article we will tell you about the safe way to consume CBD. Of course we will see its adverse effects, and we will teach you how to identify the possible causes of such allergy.

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Is it possible to have an allergy to CBD?

There have been more and more cases of people experiencing adverse side effects from CBD as CBD oils and products have grown in popularity. Some of these symptoms are considered CBD sensitivity, while others are allergic reactions to CBD.

However, it is important to understand that any product that the body perceives as an allergen can cause an allergic reaction. Food, medication, insect bites, pollen and pet dander are the most common allergies.

CBD contains elements such as pollen and histamine. Both can trigger allergic reactions because they are derived from the cannabis plant, known as hemp.

People can develop allergies to CBD and allergy to THC, although they are very rare. Interestingly, due to its antihistamine and anti-allergic properties, CBD can actually be used as a treatment for allergies.

An allergic reaction to CBD can cause anything from an itchy nose to difficulty breathing. It is recommended that at the first indication of any adverse effects of CBD, it is essential to stop consuming it for the time being.

It is also critical to understand the differences between the two symptoms to distinguish between experiencing the adverse effects of CBD and having a cannabidiol allergy.

What you should know about CBD allergy

Cannabidiol, often identified simply as CBD, is a chemical that the cannabis plant produces naturally. This compound can be found in both marijuana and hemp.

The psychoactive substance THC is the main difference between the marijuana plant and hemp. While marijuana plants contain 16% or more THC by weight, hemp plants have a THC concentration of less than 0.2% by weight.

While it is true that they come from different parts of the cannabis plant, hemp oil and CBD oil are distinct from each other. The above is important to clarify, because while CBD oil is made from hemp stems, leaves and flowers, hemp oil is made from the seeds of the hemp plant.

Now, why do some people experience allergy to marijuana? We talk about it below:

cbd allergy

How do you know if you are allergic to CBD?

It is clear that the use of hemp is not for everyone. You should avoid consuming hemp if you are taking certain medications, have a medical condition, are allergic to hemp, or have any of these conditions. Before consuming hemp, if you have any doubts, consult your regular doctor.

These are some indicators that reveal a possible CBD allergy:

  • You realize that hemp is interacting with other medications.
  • As you use CBD products for longer periods of time, your allergy symptoms worsen significantly.
  • You may also experience fatigue, nausea, and even diarrhea.

In addition, if you suffer from heart disease or lung disease, hemp consumption may worsen your symptoms. Therefore, if you have any irregular medical condition, we recommend that you talk to your doctor about it.

You may only need to adjust the CBD dosage.

What are the side effects of CBD?

Hashish allergy, as well as THC allergy symptoms, are often the result of CBD side effects. There are some adverse effects that the use of CBD oil may cause in some people.

While not considered allergic reactions to CBD, these adverse effects could be due to the use of too much CBD at one time. It may also be that you have developed sensitivity to cannabidiol.

Frequent use of CBD oils has the following negative effects:

  • Drowsiness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Stun
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased tremors in people with Parkinson’s disease.

Cannabis allergy

Although there is no concrete evidence that CBD oil causes allergies, there are people who may be allergic to the cannabis plant. In fact, the cannabis plant is an example of a plant that can cause allergies, as it is a plant that generates pollen.

An allergy to cannabis pollen can cause the following symptoms:

  • Runny nose.
  • Itchy, watery eyes.
  • Inflammation, itching, or other skin conditions.

If you find that you are sensitive to hemp plants, you are probably also allergic to marijuana plants, although you may not experience CBD allergy.

For example, consider CBD oil as an apple, and the cannabis plant as an apple tree. If you are allergic to the pollen produced by the apple tree, you are likely to sneeze when exposed to the apple tree. Despite this, you could still drink apple juice without causing an allergic reaction.

Although the apple itself is generated from the tree, it is actually separated from the allergen in the same way that the cannabis plant is separated from the CBD oil.

Therefore, although the pollen produced by the apple tree causes an allergic reaction, the apple itself can be eaten without problems. Consequently, a CBD allergy does not always happen, regardless of whether you suffer from cannabis allergy or cannabis pollen allergy.

cbd allergic

What if you are allergic to CBD?

A person with a CBD allergy may have symptoms after breathing, touching, smoking or ingesting any product containing CBD. However, what really happens to your body, when you are allergic to CBD.

We must keep in mind that the immune system overreacts to a chemical that the body perceives as a threat. When something like this happens, an allergic reaction occurs.

Our immune system will make antibodies called Immunoglobulin E to defend the body. All these produce symptoms of allergic reaction. The severity of these reactions varies depending on the individual’s immune system, as well as the amount of immunoglobulin E released by the body.

However, we must keep in mind that a reaction to an allergen does not always cause an allergic reaction, and allergies can evolve over time.

cbd allergy diagnosis

Diagnosis of CBD allergy

A medical specialist can identify CBD allergies through a skin test or blood test. The results of a skin prick test are quick and easy, but are not as accurate as a blood test.

A skin prick test consists of injecting a diluted allergen, in this case CBD, into the skin. The doctor will determine that you are allergic to CBD if, after 15 minutes, the area where the allergen was applied looks swollen, red or itchy.

In the case of the blood test, what is done is to take a blood sample during to check for the presence of CBD antibodies. You are most likely allergic to CBD if the test shows a higher amount of antibodies present than expected.

You will need to stop using CBD if you experience any of these adverse effects or allergic reactions. It is also imperative that you seek medical help if your symptoms worsen.

In any case, CBD allergy testing is a possibility for those who are concerned about this. You may be able to decide if CBD is good for you once you know the differences between side effects and allergic symptoms.

How to identify marijuana allergy symptoms?

You can try the elimination or isolation technique if you have been suffering from allergic symptoms, and are concerned that cannabidiol CBD is responsible. By identifying the foods or products you have been exposed to at the time your symptoms began, you can gradually eliminate them to find the cause.

However, we recommend that you consult a physician as soon as possible if you experience persistent allergy symptoms and are unable to identify an apparent cause.

Initially, the physician may do an allergy skin test to help rule out some possible culprits. There are also some things you can do to determine if your allergic symptoms may be caused by CBD:

  • First, be sure to identify anything you have recently incorporated into your diet or daily routine. It can be anything from cleaning products, to food, to beverages, to medicines.
  • Then stop consuming any new product, one at a time for at least one month. For example, if you find that the hand cream you use causes itching, use a different brand. If you think CBD is responsible, stop using it.
  • We also recommend that you monitor your symptoms on a daily basis and record them. Note if you feel better, or if in fact you continue with your allergies.
  • After one month, perform an evaluation of your most recurrent systems, and then repeat the procedure with another potential allergen.

Although it may seem contradictory, it is possibly excellent news if after a month without consuming CBD, you still suffer from allergy symptoms. In other words, it is unlikely that your allergy problem is caused by cannabidiol CBD.

The downside to all of this is that you still need to find out who is responsible, although at least you can continue to use your favorite CBD products while you figure it out.

cannabis allergy symptoms

How to consume CBD safely to avoid possible allergic reactions?

If you suffer from a variety of allergies, you may have learned to be careful when trying new supplements or foods to prevent adverse side effects.

To avoid an allergy to CBD, it is recommended to start with a small dose, and increase it little by little. It is ideal for those who are trying CBD for the first time, as well as for those with allergy problems. Of course, you should evaluate the side effects before ingesting different CBD products.

Most importantly, consult with your physician before including CBD oil in your therapeutic regimen if you are concerned that you may experience an allergic reaction.

In this regard, take into account the following recommendations:

  • Do not consume new supplements or vitamins at the same time you consume a CBD product.
  • Don’t forget to read the label of each CBD product carefully, as the proper dosage is indicated there.
  • The ideal dosage is to ingest half of the recommended amount of CBD.
  • In addition, it is a good idea to wait at least two hours for the CBD product to be fully absorbed into the circulatory system.
cbd immune system

When our immune system becomes overactive, it treats all potentially neutral compounds as a threat to the body. The result of this is precisely allergies.

Common symptoms of allergies include tired eyes, itching, rashes, as well as runny nose and sneezing. As mentioned above, people can develop an allergy to pollen, or to certain foods.

And because CBD is a plant-based product, it stands to reason that it may cause an allergic reaction. However, as with side effects, it is very rare for CBD to cause an allergy.

In any case, we recommend that you consult a physician before using this cannabidiol. In the worst case, you may only need to adjust the dosage you use until you find the one that best meets your needs and does not cause allergies.

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