Chocolate Muffins with CBD

Although the traditional way to consume CBD is through the sublingual method, it is also well known that this cannabidiol can be added to foods. In fact, this time we are going to tell you about chocolate muffins with CBD.

This is a different kind of dessert that is not only delicious, but also provides you with all the health benefits of chocolate and CBD. So if you want to learn a new way to consume CBD in a safe and enjoyable way, here’s the recipe for a CBD chocolate muffin.

What are chocolate muffins with CBD?

It is worth mentioning that at any time of the year, many of us enjoy a delicious muffin. They don’t last long because they look so wonderful and tempting to consume. Generally speaking, a muffin is a baked quick bread cake, which can be sweet or savory.

Muffins are usually thick and substantial. Its name comes from a French word used to describe soft bread. Baking powder is commonly used in place of yeast in chocolate muffin recipes. In addition, these muffins come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including English muffins and American muffins.

Muffins, unlike cupcakes, have a higher proportion of components. In a muffin batter, there needs to be more flour and less sugar, if applicable. When preparing muffins, you can use any form of liquid oil instead of butter as the fat.

In the traditional recipe, muffins often call for two or more eggs. Additional ingredients such as fruits and berries can be added. Even, as in this case, cannabidiol CBD. It is also common for savory seasonings to be incorporated, resulting in a muffin with a considerably thicker texture than any other muffin.

Obviously, the two main ingredients in these muffins are chocolate and CBD.

cbd chocolate muffins

Chocolate and CBD

Chocolate is one of the most popular and appreciated foods in the world. Its Latin name, Heobroma cacao, literally translates as “food of the gods”. There are so many things to appreciate about this ancient food. For example, its delicious taste, creamy texture and the way it makes you feel. However, it turns out that there is some science behind the little burst of happiness that chocolate provides.

(AEA) is a neurotransmitter formed from arachidonic acid that is synthesized in the body. The term ananda, which means “happiness, pleasure, joy and enjoyment” in Sanskrit, is the source of its name. This is how it got the name “bliss molecule”.

Both cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate, and hemp-derived CBD include anandamide. They also contain chemicals called N-acylethanolamines, which have the ability to slow down their degradation. Here’s what happens: fatty acid amide hydrolase, or FAAH, is an enzyme that all humans have.

When anandamide enters a cell, FAAH begins to degrade it. In fact, limiting the breakdown of anandamide in the body improved mood and reversed stress-induced anxiety in mice, according to a study published in Translational Psychiatry. In the study, it was found that low levels of anandamide were negatively associated with responses to stress, anxiety and terror.

Dark chocolate, rather than white chocolate, provides the highest amount of anandamide. Even better, it is often recommended to consume cocoa beans, which contain no sugar and a higher concentration of the healthful ingredients in chocolate.

cbd baking

Baking with CBD

Baking with CBD is something that has recently become very popular among consumers of this cannabidiol. Many people have even been baking foods with CBD since they started consuming it practically.

Also, baking CBD-infused foods is a great way to get your daily dose of CBD. At the same time you have an excellent excuse to treat yourself to a delicious dessert. Obviously we are not suggesting that you eat chocolate CBD muffins every day. It’s just a way to treat yourself.

We have to keep in mind that many people don’t really like the taste of CBD. Therefore, using a food like a muffin to mask the subtle taste of medical cannabis will make it easier to consume.

cbd chocolate muffins recipe

Recipe for chocolate muffins with CBD

It’s important to be aware that CBD chocolate muffins can be tricky to prepare. And while there are plenty of CBD chocolate muffin recipes on the internet, some of them are extremely basic.

In the following recipe that we share with you, you will notice that we have included an ingredient that most of us love: coffee. This is because when you add a small amount of coffee to any chocolate recipe, you get an explosion of flavors in your mouth. Here’s how to make chocolate muffins with CBD.

cbd oil chocolate muffins


  • 190 grams of flour
  • 40 grams of cocoa powder
  • 5 teaspoons baking powder
  • 60 grams of powdered sugar
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 30 grams of brown sugar
  • 50 grams of chocolate chips
  • 130 ml of whole milk
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee
  • 18 drops of high quality organic CBD oil.


  • First heat the oven to 180°C.
  • Use muffin tins, but if you don’t have them, use muffin tins.
  • Sift the flour together with the cocoa powder, baking powder and coffee into a bowl.
  • In another pitcher bowl, add the eggs, sugar, milk, plus the oil, vanilla extract and 18 drops of CBD oil. Make sure you mix everything perfectly.
  • Then gradually pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients. Then mix everything gently until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • When finished, add chocolate chips, and gently mix again until chips are evenly spread.
  • After that you should pour the CBD chocolate muffin mix into the muffin tins.
  • Fill the moulds to ⅔ of their volume. This will leave enough room for when the muffins fluff up.
  • Bake the muffins in the center of the preheated oven for about 30 minutes. Insert a skewer in the middle of the muffins and check that it comes out clean.
  • Finally, remove from the oven, and let cool before enjoying your CBD chocolate muffins.

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