Bees and cannabis

There is very little research on how bees and cannabis interact. However, according to a new study, not only do bees love and thrive on cannabis, but it could also be a solution to the world’s dwindling bee populations.

Pollen is very important to bees; it is the nectar by which they live, die and reproduce to produce a sticky, sweet substance. According to a study by Cornell University, bees are very attracted to the pollen produced by the cannabis plant.

How are bees and cannabis related?

Bees are attracted to the cannabis plant because of its distinctive pollen taste, according to a study published in the journal Environmental Entomology, which supports the results of a similar study by the University of Colorado. These findings open up the possibility of expanding bee populations around the world, which is a good thing.

As far as is known, bees don’t get high, but they are 17 times more likely to gravitate to taller weedy plants. According to the research, plant height correlated strongly with bee species richness and abundance for the hemp plots. Taller varieties were found to attract a wider diversity of bee species.

Hemp also has the potential to provide a vital nutritional resource to a diverse bee community. Particularly during a time of floral scarcity. Cannabis can therefore help maintain pollination throughout the agro-ecosystem of other crops, thanks to its unique flowering phenology.

But despite their undeniable chemistry with the cannabis plant, all indications are that bees are not attracted to it, for the same reasons that humans are. That is, bees lack cannabinoid receptors, which as we know, are necessary to get excited by the chemicals found in marijuana.

cannabis bees

Cannabis Could Help Bee Population

Bright, colorful plants with sweet nectar, commonly found in flowers, attract bees. This makes many people wonder why bees are attracted to cannabis? It is neither shiny nor sweet.

The research is important for several reasons, including the possibility of increasing cross-pollination between marijuana and fruit and vegetable crops. This would boost the growth of both crops. Hemp also doesn’t need a lot of water or pesticides to grow. Consequently, it would help the bees to repopulate by creating a healthier ecosystem.

Given the changing attitudes toward drugs, particularly marijuana, around the world, this study could be the start of something great for bee repopulation.

Why do bees make honey?

Honey is believed to have been part of the human diet for thousands of years. Honey was the world’s leading sweetener until sugar became widely available in the 16th century. Today, many people put honey in their tea, spread it on toast, and consider it an important ingredient in a variety of recipes.

However, a recurring question many people ask is why do bees make honey? Honey is produced by bees to provide a constant food source for their colonies throughout the year.

The amount of honey a colony needs to survive the winter varies according to its location. For example, a colony of bees in warm areas can survive on only 18 kg of honey. However, bees in colder regions may need up to 35 to 40 kg of honey.

honey bees

How do bees make honey?

Honey production is a time-consuming process that requires a lot of bees and even more flowering plants. During the summer, worker bees collect nectar from a variety of flowers and plants.

Because this work is so demanding, worker bees only live for six to eight weeks. Worker bees extract nectar through their proboscis (a long, tube-shaped tongue). They then store it in a separate organ in their stomach until they return to the hive.

Before reaching its life cycle, a worker bee collects nectar from 100 to 150 plants. Worker bees can fly while carrying payloads that can be as heavy as their own body weight.

how bees interact with cannabis

Bees work hard to make honey

When the worker bees return to the hive, they pass the nectar to the processing bees. The processor bees chew the nectar for about half an hour. They then add an enzyme called “invertase” to the nectar while chewing. This breaks down the nectar into more easily digestible sugars.

During the next phase of the honey-making process, bacteria and other microbes are less likely to infect these simpler sugars.

After this, the nectar is processed and placed in the hive comb to dry. The nectar brought to the hive originally contains about 70% water. However, the nectar must lose a considerable amount of moisture, more than 50%, to become honey.

Processor bees accomplish this by flapping their wings over the comb. They do this to create a flow of air that aids the evaporation of water from the nectar. The bees then cover each cell with a secretion from their stomachs.

What does it mean when a bee visits you?

The symbolism of a bee’s visit to your home has to do with the need to examine your productivity. In other words, most likely lack of organization and indecision are causing you to miss opportunities.

Therefore it is recommended to take a moment to analyze and prioritize personal and professional goals. Only each individual can determine which of these goals are essential, and which are not.

interesting facts about bees

Other interesting facts about bees

  • To produce 450 grams of honey, more than 550 forager bees are needed to collect nectar from 2 million flowers.
  • The type of honey produced is determined by the plants from which the nectar is extracted. In the United States alone there are more than 300 different types of honey.
  • Honeybees are the only bees that make the honey we eat. Bumblebees collect nectar to make a honey-like substance, but because they produce and store very little, it is not a viable agricultural product.
  • Responsible beekeepers are excellent stewards of their hives when harvesting honey. They leave enough honey to sustain the bee colonies.

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