Tolerancia al CBD

If you feel like your CBD oil isn’t working as expected, it’s likely that the dosage you’re using is to blame. Perhaps you have unknowingly developed a tolerance to CBD, and therefore its benefits have no effect on your body. Other variables, such as the low quality of the product, or how you are taking the CBD, could also be a factor.

The truth is that most of us gain immunity to synthetic or plant-based compounds as we integrate them into our bodies. As a result, higher doses may be necessary to achieve the desired effect. However, there is also the possibility that CBD can lead to what is known as reverse tolerance.

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CBD and tolerance: Can CBD generate inverted tolerance?

In fact, some studies have revealed that the cannabinoid extracted from cannabis, can generate reverse tolerance. That is, unlike THC, which regulates the endocannabinoid system, CBD has the ability to increase the level of endocannabinoids.

This means that over time, your body may need lower and lower doses of CBD to experience the same results. Unfortunately there is no conclusive research on this, so it is not possible to say with certainty that CBD produces reverse tolerance.

CBD large doses

Can I consume high doses of CBD?

On the other hand, CBD has been shown to be healthy in large doses and does not cause health risks. However, none of this suggests that if you take too much cannabinoid, you won’t feel uncomfortable. In fact, any medication that affects mood has the potential to produce harmful side effects. And some of these effects are much more serious than others.

Here are some side effects of consuming high doses of CBD:

  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Low blood pressure
  • nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea

The good news is that the effects of taking so much CBD wear off within 2 to 3 hours after the body eliminates the substance. To prevent any pain, it is recommended to start with lower doses and gradually increase until the desired results are achieved.

Don’t forget to keep in mind that when CBD is mixed with other drugs, it can have unfavourable consequences. Therefore, you should always consult with your physician before using CBD oil to treat a specific disease.

5 reasons why you can build up a tolerance to CBD

CBD tolerance, or the reason why this cannabinoid doesn’t work for you, can be a result of several factors. The most relevant ones are detailed below:

You are using low quality CBD oils

The CBD industry is still largely unregulated. Unfortunately, several companies are marketing fake CBD oil with very little cannabinoid. They may even be extracting CBD from contaminated hemp sources.

Therefore, we recommend you to check third-party lab tests and read user reviews online, before buying CBD. To ensure quality, reputable brands send samples of their products to independent third-party laboratories.

The goal is to ensure that the CBD material in the test correlates with the contents of the bottle. Also that the extract is free of contaminants, which could render CBD ineffective or harmful.


cbd tolerance

You don’t know the correct CBD dosage

If this is your first time using CBD and you’re not getting the results you expect, you may not be using the correct dosage. The tricky part of dosing is that everyone’s body reacts differently to CBD. Factors such as genetics, knowledge of CBD, metabolism, as well as health conditions play an important role in deciding the optimal dosage.

As mentioned above, it is best to start small and gradually increase the dosage over a few days. It’s also a good idea to keep track of how much CBD you’re consuming. So be sure to keep track of your doses in a notebook.


cbd tolerance

You should use CBD oil constantly

While CBD has been shown to have a variety of health benefits, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone. People often buy CBD oil in the mistaken belief that it provides immediate pain relief, but this is not the case.

In addition to deciding the right dosage for you, it may take a few days or even weeks before you notice the benefits. In addition, CBD has difficulty binding to receptors that trigger an immediate response.

Therefore, we recommend taking CBD at the same time every day with your vitamins to support overall health. You can also take it an hour before bedtime as part of your relaxation routine if you are looking to improve the quality of your sleep.

You are using the wrong CBD product

Cannabinoid receptors are present throughout the body, allowing CBD to be absorbed in various forms, including oils, tablets, sprays, gummies, and skin care products.

The results you want to get from CBD, on the other hand, will vary depending on the CBD product you choose. Lotions and ointments, for example, may relieve localized muscle aches, but will have no effect on the digestive process.

Consequently, make sure you use the right CBD product for the condition you want to treat.

develop cbd tolerance

You have developed a tolerance to CBD

If you find that your CBD product doesn’t work as well as it used to, you may have developed a tolerance to CBD.

People who have used CBD for a long time are more likely to develop CBD tolerance and therefore need higher doses to achieve the same degree of effect. As a result, the use of CBD can be very costly if a high tolerance develops.

In these cases it is recommended to take a break from CBD, as this can lower the tolerance threshold.

Can you build up a tolerance to CBD?

When a person develops a tolerance to something, it means that they need to consume more to achieve the same results. This is characteristic of THC users, especially after a long period of use. However, can you build up a tolerance to CBD? We are convinced that more research is needed to provide a conclusive answer.

CBD does not develop tolerance, according to the little research that has been done on the subject. However, we often hear from CBD users who report that the benefits of their products have diminished over time.

What can create tolerance to THC?

CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the brain become desensitized after they are repeatedly activated. This is what leads to THC tolerance. In other words, when such stimulation occurs regularly, the body may work to reduce their availability or desensitize them to mitigate the increased activity. As a result, the user must increase their THC dosage to achieve the same results.

But it is important to be clear that in order to develop tolerance to THC, the amount of time is a determining factor, which varies from person to person. Frequency of use, dosage, history of use, and individual body chemistry are all variables to consider.

cbd tolerance

Causes of CBD tolerance

First we should note that CBD has a different effect than THC. CBD acts in the opposite way, by reducing the binding affinity of CB1 receptors instead of binding directly to them. Other cannabinoids, such as THC, can no longer fully bind to CB1 receptors, reducing the effects.

As a result, CBD is often combined with THC to mitigate its effects and even reverse the “high” when it becomes excessive. In fact, CBD is often used to accelerate the breakthrough phase of THC tolerance.

CBD, on the other hand, interacts with the endocannabinoid system, so it stands to reason that repeated use of CBD will desensitize the cannabinoid receptors. Tolerance to CBD can grow, as indicated by some regular users.

How to restore CBD tolerance?

If you’ve been a regular CBD user and find that it doesn’t work like it used to, you may need to build up your CBD tolerance. Tolerance breakdown is common among THC users. Its goal is to allow the cannabinoid receptors to “reset”.

We are, of course, talking about stopping CBD consumption for a couple of days. The time needed to restore tolerance usually varies from two days to a week. Therefore, it may be sufficient to temporarily avoid using CBD products for at least two days.

It is also recommended to start with a lower dose than you were previously taking when resuming CBD consumption. This is due to the fact that the restart will have an effect on the most appropriate dose.

If this doesn’t work, try increasing the dose. If you are using a full-spectrum product, consider switching to another method of consumption. Keep in mind that in full spectrum products, there is a lot more than just CBD, which could be affecting your tolerance.

It is probably best to have a list of items that you can rotate to maintain the effectiveness of CBD.

reverse tolerance

What is reverse tolerance?

You are likely to be developing a “reverse tolerance” if you start having unpleasant side effects with a CBD product that initially worked well. What happens is that as time goes on, you will need less material to experience the same results.

This is based on the premise that your cannabinoid receptors become even more powerful than they are supposed to. To counteract this, gradually reduce your regular dose of CBD before continuing to receive the benefits. The initial use is called a “loading dose,” while a continued lower level is called a therapeutic maintenance dose.

If you never experience the benefits again, you may need to take a tolerance break, change medications, or increase the dose.

chemical tolerance

Reverse Tolerance and Chemical Tolerance

It’s easy to be surprised when reading about the potential benefits of cannabidiol, particularly when it comes to its ability to prevent tolerance growth.

The truth is that developing tolerance to CBD is a completely different process than developing tolerance to THC. CBD users develop what is known as reverse tolerance rather than chemical tolerance.

In the case of reverse tolerance, the continued use of CBD leads to an increasingly smaller dose being required to achieve the same effects over time. Compounds present in cannabis and hemp plants interact with the endocannabinoid system through binding to endocannabinoid receptors.

CBD promotes increased activity in these receptor cells, while THC reduces the effectiveness of these receptors with regular use and over time. This means that CBD users will not experience a breakdown of cannabidiol’s relationship with the endocannabinoid system, allowing it to remain active without reducing its own efficacy.

Many CBD users have indicated that as time goes on, they need to use lower doses to experience the desired effects. In light of this, CBD can be beneficial for those interested in incorporating it into their daily lives.

cbd tolerance


More research is needed on all aspects of CBD. Given that companies and other organizations are willing to engage in further research to support these arguments, the growth and development of the industry should be a good thing to back up the findings.

However, as with any new dietary supplement, you should be careful when starting your CBD regimen. Also, while your CBD dosage may change over time, it can interfere with other medications you are taking to treat specific conditions. So, take things slowly and if you have any concerns about your health, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.

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