CBD for osteoarthritis

The utility of CBD oil for osteoarthritis

Can marijuana help osteoarthritis? And if so, what advantages does it have and how to consume it? All these issues will be resolved in this space. Although before we begin, we’ll define what osteoarthritis is and what its causes are so you can know how to relieve pain. Why buy cannabis oil for joint pains?

This way, you’ll know exactly how to act, will you join us?

What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects the joints of both knees, elbows and wrists, among others.

Osteoarthritis was formerly considered a disease that only affected the elderly, but lately, according to scientific studies, osteoarthritis can also affect young people and adults.

Although there is no cure for this ailment yet, there are medications and pain-relieving products such as marijuana.

In fact, according to scientific studies, they claim that without marijuana treatment for osteoarthritis, affected people would not have a more normal life.

However, for a safe diagnosis of this disease, we recommend seeing a doctor, but let’s go a little bit about its causes:

cbd osteoarthritis

Chronic inflammation

As mentioned above, osteoarthritis affects the joints causing chronic inflammation in them, this is due to wear and tear on the cartilage that protects the limbs of the joints to prevent bones from touching each other causing pain.

When these cartilage begins to wear out, the pain begins to appear chronically.

A few years ago, it was due to the continuous movements of the joints such as constantly climbing the stairs or running (for this reason, many athletes get to have osteoarthritis).

But currently chronic inflammation, it is also due to different factors that indirectly affects us:

  • Obesity: Due to the constant pressure that the joints must withstand due to weight, movement between cartilage results in much greater wear and tear than should be taken.
  • Genetics: According to scientific studies, it has been stated that osteoarthritis can be inherited from generation to generation. Sometimes the disease may be in your genes, even if it doesn’t manifest.
  • From bone malformations.

Unfortunately, it is not a disease that has a cure, but it can delay or slow down its process and, above all, relieve pain.

Is CBD oil an alternative to osteoarthritis?

As far as we know, there is a plant called Cannabis which is known to possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic components for chronic disease pain, so different ways have been developed to channel these components for the relief of pain that can occur such as marijuana and CBD oil.

Like any medicine you take, consider the dose you should be given to avoid side effects.

Another important point to keep in mind is that cannabis does not cure the disease, all they can grant is pain relief.

marijuana is used for osteoarthritis

Dosage of cannabis oil suitable for osteoarthritis

When using cannabis oil for osteoarthritis,you need to know the right dosage.

To do this, your doctor will take the appropriate instructions to make correct use of this oil.

However, if you want to know the right dosage for yourself, you should first consider the following:

  • Your weight: Depending on your weight, it will depend on how many drops you need.
  • What type of ailment you are suffering :The dose changes if it is mild or acute pain.

Another detail to consider is that not all organisms will react in the same way to the dose.

On the other hand, it is not advisable to ingest high doses of CBD without medical supervision because your body can reach a point that tolerates it and therefore would lose effectiveness.

In that case, the dose should be increased and, as the case may be, it is not advisable.

This explanation is more than enough to follow the specialist’s instructions.

cannabi oil doses for osteoarthritis

To find out how many drops are right for your body, we recommend that you start with the lowest dose. Normally, each dimension contains 1 mg of Cannabis oil, therefore, you should take into account the measurement of the bottle and the dose it contains.

For example, if you buy a 15 ml bottle with 300 mg of CBD oil for osteoarthritis,each drop will equal 1 mg.

As we have announced above, it is also necessary to take into account your weight and the intensity of the pain, as the dosage may vary. To better understand this point, let’s look at the table below:

Nivel de dolor / peso








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As you may notice, the dosage depends on many factors and, above all, your metabolism.

marijuana for osteoarthritis

Is marijuana used for osteoarthritis?

Thanks to all the studies carried out, we can confirm that marijuana is effectively used for osteoarthritis.

However, it is important to remember that both CBD oil and marijuana come from the same plant.

In the event that marijuana is consumed for osteoarthritis,it will not be taken orally as is done with CBD oil, in this case, it is inhaled by steam for a better effect.

Although marijuana is used for osteoarthritis and is considered harmless to the body, like any therapeutic medication, it is necessary to be cautious when consuming it.

On the other hand, it is important that you buy marijuana or CBD in the right centers. Your health and well-being is at stake.

In our online store we have marijuana to fight osteoarthritis through CBD.

Find the product you are interested in and, if in doubt, contact us to help you. Our priority is your well-being.

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