What are liposomes?

Liposomes are sphere-shaped vesicles that have an internal aqueous volume and consist of one or more phospholipid bilayers. It is worth mentioning that when amphiphilic lipids come into contact with an aqueous environment, these vesicles are formed. Liposomes can transport both hydrophilic and lipophilic substances.

On the other hand, the structure of phospholipids is as follows: the hydrophilic heads, with a strong affinity for water, are at one end of the molecule, while the hydrophobic chains, with a low affinity for water, are at the other end. In the form of a bilayer, the molecules spontaneously aggregate and align.

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What are liposomes?

To be more precise with their definition, liposomes are small spheres that surround a nutrient or drug and aid in its absorption. Liposome comes from the Greek words lipos, meaning fat, and soma, meaning body.

what are liposomes

It can be said that a liposome is simply a bubble that is used to package a medicine. Liposomes are generally made of materials known as phospholipids, which are the same molecules that make up our cell membranes. These molecules may help guide drug absorption or prevent drugs from being degraded in the gastrointestinal tract.

Liposomes were discovered in the 1960s and were designed to improve the delivery of essential nutrients and medications to the body. They can dissolve in both fat and water. Moreover, the molecule inside the liposome is protected from degradation, allowing it to reach its destination safely.

cbd liposomes

Liposomes and CBD

When talking about liposomes and CBD, it is important to highlight the characteristics of the most famous cannabidiol in cannabis. CBD is a very versatile cannabinoid with anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Unfortunately, it is difficult for the body to take advantage of certain beneficial qualities. The molecular structure of CBD does not allow it to be absorbed well when ingested compared to other cannabinoids such as THC.

The ratio of liposomes and CBD increases the bioavailability of the cannabinoid by encapsulating it in a material that is more easily absorbed by the body. This novel format tends to improve the bioavailability of CBD, allowing for more efficient delivery and distribution of its potential benefits.

The mechanism of liposome delivery has been studied for decades as a way to increase the bioavailability, or the amount of drug material that enters the bloodstream. This enhanced bioavailability helps CBD move into the cells, tissues and organ systems of the body, allowing users to take full advantage of CBD’s properties.

What is bioavailability?

The principle of bioavailability is useful in understanding the advantages of liposomal administration. The degree to which a drug or nutrient becomes available for use at its intended biological destination is called bioavailability.

Bioavailability is also expressed as a percentage, which compares the amount of a drug that can be accessed by a living organism to the total amount of drug available.

Oral cannabidiol formulations are common, but oral CBD has a lower bioavailability than inhaled CBD. Most oral CBD is lost in the metabolic phase of the digestive tract, leaving the bioavailability of CBD at 9%. In addition, CBD can bypass the digestive system, where the body breaks down or rejects the bioactive compounds in CBD.

CBD was found in the blood of the 15 patients who ingested liposomal CBD after one hour in a recent pilot study published in the American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine. Standard CBD, on the other hand, was only observed in 40% of patients after the same amount of time.

benefits liposomes

Potential benefits

Increased bioavailability is a direct benefit of liposome administration. Although some topical CBD products use liposome technology, most liposomal CBD is designed for oral use. The potential benefits of cannabinoids can be experienced more easily as the body can access them more effectively after ingestion.

It should be noted that liposomal preparations at lower doses may have the same effect as non-liposomal preparations at higher doses. An important thing to consider is that higher doses of non-liposomal CBD can provide higher concentrations of CBD that last longer and are more cost effective than liposomal CBD.

If it is healthy and increases bioavailability, and if the total cost of liposomal CBD is comparable to pure cannabidiol CBD, a person could consume a smaller amount of the liposomal product to experience the desired results.

cbd liposomes bioavailability

Are liposomes dangerous?

Liposomes are healthy molecules, according to 2017 research published in Pharmaceutics. Not only that, the findings also reveal that they allow for greater control, improved bioavailability and limited toxicity.

Liposomes have been the focus of intensive study for decades, as they tend to be quite safe. However, this method of distribution involves very advanced knowledge of chemistry and physics. Therefore, it is best handled by qualified medical chemists and pharmaceutical development specialists, not the typical hemp processing or extraction company.

liposomal packaging

While the liposomal packaging mechanism may be safe in certain drug situations, the reality is that it can also be toxic in others. Most experts recommend that any novel drug formulation, including liposomal or nano-encapsulation of CBD, should be studied for safety and efficacy before being marketed as products.

Therefore, the use of a liposomal CBD formulation that does not come with published safety information is not recommended. Even if the risk is negligible, it is best to avoid such products that are not completely safe.

Accordingly, before purchasing any liposomal and CBD product, any novel drug formulation, including liposomal or nanoencapsulated CBD, that product should have been thoroughly tested for safety and efficacy.

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