Can CBD be used to treat sunburn?

Many people like to sunbathe on the beach, but they are not aware that this can lead to sunburn. However, because CBD oil has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties, some wonder if CBDcan be used to treat sunburn.

The reality is that cannabidiol can be helpful in reducing the discomfort and itching associated with sunburn. Basically it could be used as an ointment for sunburn.

In fact, thanks to its ability to relieve pain, CBD has also become a common addition to topical creams and lotions. In fact, a large number of people with arthritis and joint pain report that CBD creams, ointments and gels have provided relief from their pain.

What is sunburn?

To understand how CBD can help in the treatment of sunburn, it is first important to understand what a sunburn is. What happens in a sunburn is that the skin is damaged after being exposed for long periods of time to infrared or ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

In addition, inflammatory cells are released as a result of this injury, or burn. They do this in order to heal and rebuild the skin. As a result, the skin becomes extremely sensitive to the touch, it even becomes inflamed, blisters appear, and radiates heat. The good news is that CBD oil can help alleviate some of these inflammatory symptoms.

cbd sunburn

How long does a sunburn last?

Once this injury happens, people wonder: how long does a sunburn last? Symptoms of sunburn usually appear four hours after the skin is exposed to the sun.

It must be understood that sunburn is our body’s attempt to heal the damaged skin. This is a process that can take a long time, however, the severity of the burn is what determines its duration.

For example:

  • Mild sunburn will last about three days.
  • In the case of a moderate sunburn, it usually lasts about 5 days. In addition, they are often accompanied by peeling of the skin.
  • Severe sunburn will last more than a week. Immediate medical attention should be sought in these cases.

As for the immediate symptoms, you will experience sticky, swollen and sore skin, which will usually worsen within 24 to 36 hours after sun exposure. On the other hand, the pain is usually most intense 6 to 48 hours after the burn. If your skin is going to peel, this process will usually begin 3 to 8 days after being exposed to the sun.

Although the immediate effects of sunburn should disappear within a few days or weeks, the damage caused can continue for months or even years.

Benefits of Using CBD to Treat Sunburns

Sunburned people have a small number of treatment options. Although there are several products available to help prevent sunburn, only a few are able to treat sunburn.

Unfortunately, some of these products, such as benzocaine, have the ability to irritate the skin. Even sunburn ointment can cause an allergic reaction. Conversely, CBD oil can be useful for treating skin pain and inflammation without irritating or causing an allergic reaction . This is because it has few side effects and many confirmed health benefits.

It is recommended to use a sunburn product containing cannabidiol CBD and aloe vera. Both substances are known to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and moisturize sunburned skin without serious side effects.

cbd skin infection

CBD fights infection

The skin becomes more vulnerable to infection after a sunburn. When the skin blisters and peels, it becomes very vulnerable and, if infected, can cause permanent scars or marks.

CBD has recently been found to have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Therefore, it can be used to fight infections. Several cannabinoids, including CBD, have also been found to be effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

These cannabinoids are known for their potent activity against bacteria, suggesting that CBD could be used to treat bacterial skin infections.

cbd inflammation pain

Pain and swelling

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oil may be one of thebest ways to treat sunburn. Its anti-inflammatory properties have been well studied and findings reveal that it is very good at suppressing inflammatory immune responses without doing the same to the entire immune system.

As a result, CBD can help reduce inflammatory swelling and redness from sunburn, while protecting against infection through the mechanisms described above.

When it comes to sunburn, one of the hardest things to deal with is the pain. For example, nerve pain may occur in people who have had especially bad sunburns.

Research has shown that CBD increases the effects of glycine inhibitory receptors in the brain. These receptors are important in the perception of nerve pain. Therefore, this nerve pain can be reduced by increasing the strength of these receptors.

While research into the full potential benefits of CBD oil is in its early stages, considering its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties, a CBD sunburn ointment may be a viable treatment option.

cbd repairs skin

CBD repairs the skin

Another way CBD can be used to treat sunburn has to do with healing dry and damaged skin. You should know that a lot of the compounds present in CBD are also found in beauty products designed to repair the skin.

Vitamin A and vitamin E, which are commonly used in anti-aging and anti-scarring skin repair serums, are present in cannabidiol CBD. Retinol, retinal and beta-carotene are vitamins of the vitamin A family. These compounds are known to increase skin firmness and make it resistant to injury.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can absorb ultraviolet light, increase photoprotection, and even reduce free radical damage to the skin. This is important because UV damage induces the formation of free radicals, which contributes to oxidative stress.

All of this will damage the DNA of skin cells, increasing the chances of developing skin cancer. CBD can be used to fight free radicals and the potential damage they can cause, as it contains vitamin E.

In addition, it should be noted that fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6 are also found in CBD oil. These fatty acids aid in the production and protection of the skin’s natural oil barrier, which keeps burned skin moisturized while it heals.

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