Can CBD relieve psoriasis by balancing the immune system response?

Because of the immune system’s response to the cannabinoid, many now wonder if CBD can alleviate psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease, characterized by an accelerated growth cycle of skin cells.

In a healthy person without psoriasis, mature skin cells appear on the surface of your skin once a month, making room for new cells. In contrast, in people with psoriasis, their skin cells shed and change every two weeks.

The accelerated cell division cycle is triggered by overactivity of the immune system. That is, the immune system keeps sending signals that the cells are infected. As a result, an overgrowth of skin cells is caused.

Psoriasis is a very common autoimmune disease.

Psoriasis is commonly thought of as a skin condition. The reality, however, is that it is a symptom of a chronic autoimmune disease whose cause is unknown. Scientists suspect that the cause is a dysfunction of the immune system that unintentionally triggers a reaction in the skin cells, accelerating their growth cycle.

As psoriasis is often passed down through families, the genetic factor plays an important role in its onset. Other factors that can affect the development of psoriasis include excessive exposure to the stress hormone cortisol, as well as certain environmental conditions. Even eating an insufficient diet can trigger this disease.

In the West, psoriasis affects about 4% of the population on average. Surprisingly, psoriasis is most common in Northern Europe, although it is completely uncommon in other parts of the world.

cbd for psoriasis relief

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

The most common symptom of psoriasis is red or pink eczema on theskin. Psoriasis occurs most often on the elbows, knees and side of the scalp, where it is sometimes confused with dandruff.

Excessive skin cell division triggers the white scales, which can grow up to ten times faster in inflamed areas.

Areas of the body where psoriasis manifests itself

  • In elbows and other joints.
  • Also on the scalp and scalp edges.
  • On the nails, in the form of greasy eczema or yellowish-brown spots.
  • It also appears on the palms of the hands.
  • Even on the back.

Patients with psoriasis may also develop psoriatic arthritis, which causes inflammation of the joints. In these cases, the smaller joints of the hands and feet are most often affected. In fact, approximately 30% of people with psoriasis will also experience psoriatic arthritis. This condition is characterized by pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints.

Treatments for psoriasis

While there is no cure for psoriasis, there are a wide variety of medications that can help with symptoms. The most common treatment for psoriasis symptoms is topical medication. Corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs are especially recommended, as they are more effective. However, they can have serious side effects on the skin and body if used for a long time.

With moderate sun exposure and a safe lifestyle, it is possible to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis on our own. You can also minimize stress as much as possible. In all cases it is advisable to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet.

Psoriasis skin care

People with psoriasis should take extra steps to protect their skin. Mild soaps and gels that give more importance to the natural pH level of the skin are the most recommended. It is also good to use essential oils from time to time.

Regular skin care with natural oils that promote the skin’s regeneration cycle and restore balance is also important. In addition, regular use of nourishing balms will help to minimise or significantly limit psoriasis flare-ups.

cannabinoids for psoriasis

Can psoriasis be relieved with CBD?

The most well-known benefits of CBD cannabinoids are their anti-inflammatory and immune system supporting properties. Our bodies have their own cannabinoid system, which contains receptors that bind to endocannabinoids and keep our bodies in balance.

When we get sick, feel exhausted or anxious, it means that our body does not produce enough endocannabinoids. However, phytocannabinoids, or endocannabinoids extracted from cannabis can help. In this case the CBD cannabinoid is the best known of all. What these phytocannabinoids do is help restore balance in our bodies.

cbd skin conditions

The Endocannabinoid System and Skin Conditions

What is remarkable about all this is that the skin includes the endocannabinoid system. This means that endocannabinoid receptors can be located in our skin. Therefore, CBD has a special therapeutic potential for skin conditions, including psoriasis.

These findings are supported by research showing that phytocannabinoids show great promise in the fight against skin conditions such as psoriasis.

To better understand how CBD can alleviate psoriasis, it must first be said that the cannabinoids present in cannabis have anti-inflammatory properties and prevent the development of keratinocytes. Keratinocytes are cells that regenerate the epithelium by creating new cells.

This is important because the development of keratinocytes in the epithelium is accelerated in psoriasis, and because CBD helps to normalize their cycle, the result is less scaly skin.

effects of cbd psoriasis

The positive effects of CBD on psoriasis

Many people who have used CBD to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis have been pleased with the positive results. Without further saturating your skin, other effects of CBD have also been reported.

With CBD, many of them were able to relieve itching, redness, peeling skin and swelling. In some cases, it was even possible to completely eliminate the psoriasis.

For best results, it is recommended to take CBD oil orally. This strengthens the immune system and at the same time helps to balance the skin from the inside out. It is also a good idea to take care of your skin by using a mixture of CBD balms.

The CBD therapeutic skin balm is designed for acute skin disorders such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. These balms contain full spectrum CBD resin.

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