What is Bisabolol, and what are its benefits?

by | 23 Dec, 2022 | Data

Although there are many terpenes in cannabis, there are certainly some that stand out more than others. This is precisely the case of Bisabolol, a cannabinoid that, despite being little known, is known to have enormous medicinal potential.

It is important to understand that each cannabis strain has a distinctive smell, caused by terpenes. These chemical substances present in cannabis, have different odors that are mixed with other terpenes aromas to provide a unique aroma seal, as is the case of Bisabolol.

However, what is Bisabolol, and what are its benefits? We will talk about all of this below.

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What is Bisabolol?

Its scientific name is Sesquiterpene Bisabolol, although it is commonly known as Alpha-Bisabolol and also Levomenol. It is a terpene that is present not only in the cannabis plant, but also in chamomile, sage and the Candeia tree. Due to its properties and characteristics, the Bisabolol component is frequently found in cosmetic and skin care products.

It is considered a secondary terpene because it is found in very small concentrations in the cannabis plant. In fact, this plant has higher concentrations of primary terpenes, including alpha-pinene, limonene, myrcene, beta-caryophyllene, among others.

That said, secondary terpenes in cannabis are very rare. However, despite being found in small amounts in some cannabis strains, Bisabolol has a highly distinctive aroma.

Some describe it as a sweet and floral aroma, where herbal, pepper, and nutty nuances are often detected. However, what is interesting about this terpene goes beyond its intense floral aroma.

In other words, Bisabolol appears to provide a range of potential health benefits, according to several animal studies. However, its positive impacts on the human mind and body require further study.

bilasobol benefits

Properties and benefits of Bisabolol

Like other cannabinoids such as CBD, Bisabolol also stands out for its healthy effects in different areas of our organism. While more research is needed, what has been discovered so far is very promising.

The following are some of the most important positive effects of Bisabolol:

It is a natural anti-inflammatory

One of the most recognized properties of Bisabolol is its ability to function as a natural anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it is possible that it can be used to treat inflammation-related conditions.

In fact, in
a 2014 experiment
with live mice and cell cultures, alpha-bisabolol terpene was found to inhibit the synthesis of cytokines, which are known to cause inflammation. Similarly, it was reported that skin irritation of mice was reduced with the use of Bisabolol, without producing negative side effects.

Bisabolol is also antimicrobial.

In 2018, a study was conducted examining the pain sensitivity, and wound healing effects of alpha-bisabolol. The substance was extracted from Candeia, a Brazilian tree with high levels of this terpene.

Due to its anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial qualities, it was concluded that Bisabolol helps in wound healing. And thanks to its antibacterial properties, Bisabolol has also been used as a component in wound dressings.


Gastrointestinal protection

Another outstanding property of Bisabolol is related to its gastrointestinal protection. Science has been able to determine that
diclofenac and alpha-bisabolol have synergistic effects
when combined.

Studies found that alpha-bisabolol decreased the possibility of stomach damage, one of the most common side effects of taking diclofenac and other anti-inflammatory drugs. It was determined that a safer alternative to diclofenac can only be diclofenac plus Bisabolol.

Analgesic properties

Another research in 2011
found sufficient evidence that the terpene Bisabolol reduces pain. Scientists examined the effects of Bisabolol in mice with edema, and found that it has analgesic characteristics. According to the results of the study, the anti-inflammatory qualities of Bisabolol helped reduce pain levels.

Bisabolol is also an anxiolytic.

This is good news for people suffering from anxiety and stress. In 2017, a study was conducted where researchers examined the behavioral effects of large doses of Bisabolol.

Bisabolol terpene was shown to decrease nervous behavior. Scientists concluded that Bisabolol had an impact on GABA receptors, which are known to have calming effects and help relieve anxiety and tension.

bilasobol what is

Is it safe to consume Bisabolol? Is it good for the skin?

As with CBD and other cannabinoids, many people wonder if it is safe to consume Bisabolol. What is known so far is that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies Bisabolol as a safe terpene.

This means that Bisabolol does not represent a serious health risk, nor does it produce adverse side effects. Nevertheless, it is essential that before consuming Bisabolol or any other terpene, a medical specialist is consulted.

Moreover, numerous skin conditions have been documented that seem to respond favorably to the use of Bisabolol. In fact, thanks to its pleasant aroma and health benefits, Bisabolol is often used in cosmetic products.

This terpene helps other substances penetrate the skin more effectively. Polidocanol or Bisabolol has also been found to reduce skin irritation and, as mentioned above, to promote wound healing.

psychoactive bilasobol

Is Bisabolol psychoactive?

If we speak in strictly technical terms, Bisabolol does have psychoactive properties, but not to the point of causing intoxication in the consumer.

It is important to clarify that psychoactivity is related to any substance that directly affects the brain. In the case of Bisabolol, it is known that although it can affect the mind, these effects are rather relaxing.

Ultimately, the healthful effects of alpha Bisabolol have made it a popular ingredient in many cosmetic and skin care products. From helping to reduce pain, to providing a relaxing effect, its benefits cannot be overlooked.

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