Cream with CBD for sunburns

The use of a CBD sunburncream has become commonplace, thanks to the skin benefits of this cannabidiol. In fact, sunburn cream is a must-have product during the summer holidays.

As we all know, excesses in anything can be harmful and sunlight is no exception. Sunburn can range in severity from mildly uncomfortable to incredibly painful if we spend too much time in direct sunlight.

This means that if we get sunburned, we should take extra precautions to protect our skin until it recovers. The problem is that many don’t know how to treat sunburn.

What you need to know about sunburns

Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays causes sunburn. These burns cause pain, not to mention reddening and swelling of the skin. As mentioned above, the severity of a sunburn can range from mild to severe.

The severity is determined by skin type and amount of sun exposure. However, it is important to mention that sunburn is one of the main causes of skin cancer.

There are sunburn remedies that can be used to treat sunburn. However, before doing anything, it is first important to know the symptoms of this type of skin condition.


Symptoms of sunburn

As you might expect, the symptoms of sunburn vary from person to person. You may not notice any redness of the skin for several hours after the burn has started. It will take 12 to 24 hours for the redness to peak.

Mild sunburns usually produce only minor redness and pain in the affected areas. However, blisters may form in cases of more severe sunburn. Extreme sunburns can be excruciatingly painful, to the point that most often they require hospitalization.

Symptoms in much more serious situations include:

  • Weakness
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting

If it is an extreme sunburn, the most common symptoms include low blood pressure, fainting, and weakness. It is also important to note that sunburn can occur in less than 15 minutes, although the effects are not always visible.

In some cases the skin may become red in as little as 30 minutes after exposure, although it usually takes 2 to 6 hours. The pain intensifies six to eight hours after prolonged exposure to the sun. In terms of duration, a sunburn can last from 24 to 72 hours. The skin peels off in 3 to 8 days.

How to treat sunburn?

The sunburn treatment depends on both the type of skin and the severity of the burn. The goal, of course, is to soothe sunburn, especially when it comes to sunburn children.

Whatever the case, it is essential to begin sunburn treatment as soon as possible. This is because they can cause irreversible damage to the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer.

The following are some basic techniques for relieving sunburn. However, remember that the best way to avoid these discomforts is not to expose yourself to the sun’s rays for long periods of time without protection.

Medicamentos antiinflamatorios

Ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are examples of over-the-counter pain relievers that can help relieve discomfort and reduce swelling. These should be taken as soon as possible. A pharmacy sunburn cream may relieve some of the pain.

cbd oil sunburn

Sunburn Remedies

Hydrocortisone cream may also be used to help reduce inflammation and itching. Also, one of the most popular sunburn remedies is to drink water to help rehydrate the skin.

If small blisters form on your skin, don’t break them, let them run their course. If they break, be sure to clean the area with mild soap and water. Nor should you pinch the skin, and if on the contrary, continue to apply moisturizer.

Be sure to cool the affected skin by applying a damp cloth, or even taking a cold bath.

cbd sunburn cream

Cream with CBD for sunburns

Another effective treatment for sunburn is cannabidiol CBD. In other words, a CBD sunburn cream gives you all the benefits of CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Therefore, soothing sunburn with CBD is possible because sunburn is an inflammatory response of our body. Anti-inflammatories not only relieve redness and pain, but also promote skin healing.

This prevents the skin from taking on that peeling appearance. CBD cream also has analgesic effects that help relieve pain.

How to use a CBD cream for sunburn?

If you have a sunburn and want to use a CBD cream to treat it, we recommend that you choose a CBD-enriched cream that does not contain irritating and harsh ingredients.

Check that the CBD cream has a higher milligram concentration, as this suggests a more potent CBD product. Apply the cream twice a day, massaging the affected area deeply and gently.

cbd sunburn

Can CBD irritate a sunburn?

As we have said before, CBD is a cannabinoid that binds to cannabinoid receptors in the body and is extracted from hemp oil. This cannabidiol binds to cannabinoid receptors in the skin and muscles when applied to that organ.

This allows the functions of these systems to be regulated, which is why CBD cream is so popular. In other words, it makes it possible to concentrate all that cannabidiol in a problem area of the body, in addition to its regulatory properties.

However, is it the best option for treating a sunburn? What you should know is that CBD is not irritating on its own and is not known to promote inflammation. Only if the product had harsh and sharp components not related to the cannabidiol itself, the CBD cream would have a negative influence on sunburned skin.

In any case, we recommend that you consult your doctor before using any sunburn cream.

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