Can CBD help with degenerative disc disease?

Back pain is often caused by muscular reasons, from sprains, osteoarthritis and also for other reasons such as the displacement of a disc in the spine (herniated disc). There are two types of pain: chronic or temporary.

Spinal diseases are often the result of bad habits. Hard physical work and even apparently “light” sedentary work are the main causes of pain.

In this case, the use of CBD oils for back and neck pain caused by degenerative disc disease will help relieve these symptoms and may also eliminate conditions associated with chronic pain.

Approximately 70% of the European population suffers, or will suffer in the future, from some form of low back pain. Back pain is disabling. It is considered to be the main cause of absenteeism worldwide and if not solved, it can become chronic.

Cannabis for back pain

The convenience of using CBD for back and neck pain, can be understood by knowing the mechanism of pain and our neuroreceptors. At the end of the 20th century, the endocannabinoid system was discovered, i.e. the system responsible for many different physiological processes in the human body. One such process is the regulation of pain perception.

The principle of the cannabinoid system is based on the interaction of cannabinoid and endocannabinoid receptors, i.e. substances that act as messengers.

Due to the plant origin of CBD, these substances are classified as phytocannabinoids and are used to stimulate the appropriate receptors of the described system and achieve the desired therapeutic effect as a natural cure.

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CBD for back pain

In the case of pain, CBD binds to the receptors responsible for the pain, which in turn reduces its perception. It is worth remembering that the potential of CBD as a natural treatment means that it can be used legally, as it is a completely safe and legal compound, obtained from hemp with a THC content of less than 0.2%.

It also means that the cannabis used for home treatment of back pain does not cause intoxication or other side effects, as it contains only non-psychoactive ingredients.

herniated disk

On the other hand, the treatment with powerful painkillers ingested by people suffering from chronic pain, can cause addiction and have numerous side effects.

In addition, prolonged use of this type of medication, weakens the cardiovascular system and kidneys, so it is much safer to take CBD oil for back pain.

cbd back inflammation

CBD and inflammation of the back

The anti-inflammatory effect of cannabis is based on the combination of two properties: antioxidant and antispasmodic. Here are the details:

Antioxidant function

The function of antioxidants is to protect cells from free radicals that are dangerous to them. These are formed in the course of various metabolic processes and inflammation is one of them.

In this case, the CBD oil captures these harmful substances and removes them from the body. How is this possible? Hemp contains many antioxidants and this group includes: vitamin E, zinc, manganese, magnesium and gamma linolenic acid GLA.

Therefore, taking CBD oil for back pain can bring additional benefits to your body.

Anti-inflammatory/antispasmodic function

The anti-inflammatory effect of cannabis is also based on processes taking place in the endocannabinoid system. This system consists of receptors distributed throughout the body: CB1 and CB2.

CB2 receptors located in the cells and organs of the immune system are responsible for the immune system.

CBD acts on the body’s cannabinoid system, not only reducing pain, but also blocking inflammatory pathways.

In addition, cannabis reduces the function of T-lymphocytes, as well as reducing the production and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

By using cannabis for back pain, we are sure that we not only help the body in the fight against suffering, but also support it in the fight against inflammation.

Real-life experience of a patient with chronic back pain and CBD

In Canada, several reviews were conducted on the administration of cannabia. In them, they referred to the case of a 49-year-old patient with chronic low back pain since the age of 29. The pain was caused by the degeneration of a disc that gave him sciatica. The patient had other medical problems related to anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome.

The medication he was given was nabilone (synthetic THC), pregabalin (a drug for neurological pain), baclofen, clonazepam and ibuprofen (for deflation and muscle relaxation). Finally, I was taking omeprazole as a stomach protector.

The patient was given 1g per day of a cannabis strain containing 9% THC and 13% CBD. After two months, the pain went from a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale to a 3 out of 10. The patient also reported that the symptoms of irritable bowel had subsided and also requested a reduction in the dose of pregabalin because he did not have as many headaches.

cannabis for degenerative diseases

Cannabis for degenerative disc disease

Spinal degeneration, or lumbar facet syndrome, most often occurs as a result of wear and tear and changes in the tissues that connect the vertebrae of the spine. The main symptom of the disease is pain, so you should see a specialist.

It is worth noting that degenerative changes are irreversible. However, there are reports that prophylactic use of CBD can prevent future joint damage.

In addition, it may have properties that would reverse the onset of structural disorders in the joints, such as herniated discs.

Animal studies (lumbar puncture in dogs), have provided evidence to support this bold hypothesis.

Published animal studies conclude that CBD may be helpful in treating damaged spinal discs. We remind you that pets are very sensitive to drugs, so a treatment for cervical impingement in dogs with CBD is a good idea.


cbd for back pain

How do you use CBD to treat pain?

What does this mean for the sick and suffering? It is possible that, in the future, degenerative changes will be partially reversible, and treatment of worn out lumbar discs will be easy to achieve.

A 2015 study found that broken bones in rats given CBD healed faster.

In addition, other studies have confirmed that the cannabinoid system regulates the amount of bone material destroyed. A link between CB2 receptors and bone density was also found in mice.

The knowledge about the relationship between the functions of the endocannabinoid system and its impact on the bones or the whole body, leads to increasingly interesting discoveries for natural treatment.

The use of CBD for back pain, low back pain, Schmorl’s nodules, disc herniation or degenerative diseases, can also bring such benefits to our skeletal system that we did not even imagine.


cbd herniated disk oil

CBD oil as a treatment for herniated disk

If you choose CBD oil as a herniated disc treatment, there are many people who take it orally, although Hygea CBD oils are for topical use.

In Spain, CBD oil is framed as a cosmetic product and therefore its sale and distribution is done under the warning that it is for topical use. However, there are people who choose the oral route, a method that greatly facilitates the absorption of CBD into the bloodstream. In addition, the oil is also added to meals and cocktails without danger to your health.

Another method of taking hemp oil with CBD, is to vaporize it. Although vaporized CBD has a lower biodisposition than cannabis oil, i.e. you will have a lower absorption and therefore a lower effect on pain reduction and time to effect.

Treating lumbar arthrosis with a natural treatment such as CBD and through massage is also feasible, since the symptoms of the disease are related to stiffness and lack of movement.

This type of physical therapy is also applied to lumbar stenosis as a natural treatment. The
massages with CBD oil
are the perfect treatment to relieve the pain caused by this condition. The absorption is done through the skin.


  • “Medical cannabis – the Cannadian perpective.” Gordon D Ko., Sara L Bober. Sean Mindra. Jason M Moreau. Journal of Pain Research. 2016; 9: 735-744
  • On American Academy of Family Physicians
  • “Epidemiology of low back pain.” José Ángel García Delgado, Greta Valdés Lara, Jacqueline del Carmen Martínez Torres, Isis Pedroso Morales. Invest Medicoquir, 2014 (January-June); 6(1): 112-25
  • Russo, Ethan B. “Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain.” Therapeutics and clinical risk management 4,1 (2008): 245-59. doi:10.2147/tcrm.s1928

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