The Greek goddess who inspired our CBD brand: Higea

Since the beginning of time, the study of health has been one of the most important pillars for all civilizations.

So much so that our ancestors believed and idolized Gods to watch over their health. Our Higea CBD oil brand is inspired by Higea (or Higía) who in Greek mythology was the Goddess of Healing,Cleansing and Healing. At Higea CBD we believe that cleaning and neatness are paramount to a healthy life, healing and preventing diseases. The Higea cup surrounded by a snake has been recognized as an international symbol of the pharmaceutical profession for nearly three centuries. Our logo also alludes to the Higea cup in the absence of the snake with a drop of oil falling inside What has led us to draw inspiration from Greek and Roman mythology to bring to life the brand and logo of our CBD oils?

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Why have we chosen the Greek Goddess Higea to bring our brand to life?

At Higea CBD we have been inspired by the importance of hygiene and healthy habits for our well-being and health. That is why both in our logo and in the name of the brand are present the glass of Higea and a drop of oil. At Higea CBD we believe that the key to getting to live a healthy and pain-free life is in the decisions we make on a daily basis to take care of ourselves, so we have created a range of CBD oils to help our customers take care of themselves in a constant and 100% natural way. The myth of the Goddess of Cleansing and Healing Higea helps us understand how important it is to take care of our health and well-being to prevent diseases and how useful natural resources and drugs are to heal and soothe our pains.


Higea in Greek mythology

The Goddess Higea was one of the daughters of Epione and the God of Medicine, Aesclepius, son of Apollo and grandson of Zeus.

Aesclepius, the father of Hygea, helped a snake that in gratitude licked his ears. In this way he shared with him all the secrets of medicine and bestowed upon him his healing powers. Zeus was afraid that Aesclepius would turn all humans into immortals so he killed him by lightning. Temples were built in honor of Aesculapius where many snakes were found that looked dead with the naked eye but when they collected them from the ground they came back to life. That’s why the people of the time thought that the powers of Aesclepius were the ones resurrecting the snakes and they automatically became a symbol of healing and medicine in general.

Higea and her sister, Panacea, were the favorite daughters of Aesclepius. Panacea was the Goddess of The Cure, panacea was believed to have the perfect herbal recipe to heal any disease. Hence, today the word “Panacea” is used to refer figuratively to something that solves and cures any disease.

Higea, on the other hand, considered herself the goddess of cleanliness and hygiene. If Panacea was the cure or remedy to Higea it was most associated with the cleanliness, neatness and hygiene that prevents diseases. The word hygiene comes from Greek and its etymology has to do with Hygea.

The cult of Higea in Athens dates from at least the 7th century BC. “Athena Hygea” was one of the nicknames of the goddess Athena. Plutarco recounts that during the construction of the Parthron in Athens there was an accident in which he realized that the Goddess Hygea was present and cooperating in the work to elevate him to perfection: One of the best masons slipped and fell from a great height. Even the doctors didn’t have any hope that the worker could recover. That same night the Goddess Higea was appreciated in dreams by Pericles who was discovered a treatment to heal man. The mason recovered and in honor of Athena Hygea a statue was placed with his image near the altar of the Parton. Her cult as an independent Goddess however dates back a little later when the Oracle of Delphi included her as Goddess after the devastating Plague of Athens. Roman mythology would later adopt the Goddess Higea, calling her Sirona.

glass of higea

Representation of the Goddess Higea

Higea is depicted as a young woman feeding a snake screwed into her body. In his hand he carries a glass from which the snake drinks. Snakes before Christianity and Judaism symbolized healing and resurrection (due to the regenerating characteristics of their skin). That is why in the images and statues related to health both in ancient Greece and Rome we will always see snakes. In the image of Higea, the cup from which the snake drinks represents medicine and health.

higea goddess

The Higea Cup

Some sources claim that the Higea Cup was used as an emblem of St. John in the first century after Christ based on the legend that the Apostle was offered a trophy containing poison. There is also speculation that the Higea Cup could be used as far as 1222 as a symbol of pharmacists in Italy. These two hypotheses are mere elucubrations and there is no evidence that either hypothesis is true. What we do know and know is that it is real is that the use of the Higea Cup as an international symbol of Pharmacy and Pharmacology became popular from 1796 when it was printed on a coin of the Parisian Society of Pharmacology. If you look at the pharmaceutical logos we will always see a glass with a screwed snake that alludes to Greek mythology, in particular the Goddess of Health and Higea Cleansing.

If you want to know more about CBD, we recommend you visit our article on CBD myths and truths.

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