CBD and asperger syndrome

by | 23 Dec, 2022 | Diseases

There is a relationship between CBD and asperger’s syndrome that not everyone knows about. While more research is needed, it is a fact that CBD cannabidiol is gaining popularity as a supplement for patients with Asperger’s syndrome.

It is believed to help reduce social stress and anxiety and, in more severe circumstances, CBD use in people with aspergers can reduce aggression and self-destructive behavior.

Read on and find out what Asperger’s syndrome is, and why CBD products can become a useful tool to manage its symptoms, despite the fact that there is no known cure for the disorder.

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What is asperger syndrome?

This disorder is named after Hans Asperger, a physician from Vienna who first identified a cluster of behavioral abnormalities in several of his predominantly male child patients in 1944.

Asperger observed that the social skills, ability to communicate with others, and coordination of these children were substantially impaired despite showing normal cognitive and linguistic development.

Scientists say that asperger’s syndrome may manifest later than is common for autism, or at least, it is not identified in its early stages. Most diagnoses occur between the ages of 5 and 9 years, with many children experiencing symptoms after the age of 3 years.

Poor social skills, obsessions, odd speech patterns, small facial emotions and other unique behaviors are some characteristics of people with aspergers. In addition, children with this syndrome often have difficulty interpreting the body language of others.

It is common for them to follow compulsive rituals and exhibit extreme sensitivity to sensory stimuli. That is, people with aspergers may be affected by a light that no one else notices. They often even cover their ears to block out background noise, or wear clothing made of a particular material.

While it is true that children and adolescents with asperger syndrome can cope with everyday life, most of the time they tend to be socially immature.

It is also common for them to relate better with adults than with their peers. They can often be perceived as unusual or peculiar by others.

asperger syndrome

What are the causes of asperger syndrome?

Scientists and mental health experts are still investigating the possible causes of asperger syndrome. Because anatomical and functional differences can be identified with state-of-the-art brain imaging, brain abnormalities are considered a possible cause.

Research suggests that some cases may be related to other mental health problems, such as depression and bipolar disorder. This suggests that genetics may be involved in the condition.

It is important to mention that this syndrome is not caused by emotional neglect or poor parenting. The reality is that it is a neurological condition whose causes are not yet entirely clear.

There is currently no cure for Asperger syndrome. Therefore, a child with aspergers will become an adult with aspergers. However, many people live happy and fulfilling lives, thanks to the right education, resources and support.

Asperger syndrome symptoms

When dealing with the symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome, the best course of action is to have a physician or neurological specialist evaluate a child’s symptoms. This is because the symptoms of Asperger’s can be confusing and similar to those of other behavioral problems.

Often, the diagnosis of Asperger’s is made at a later stage of development. Generally, after a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been made.

A child with asperger syndrome may experience the following symptoms:

  • Minimal or inappropriate social interaction.
  • Repetitive or robotic speeches.
  • Conversations that revolve around oneself, and not around others.
  • Deficient reading, writing, or math skills.
  • Lack of common sense.
  • Obsession with complex issues.
  • Strange behaviors or mannerisms.
  • Below average non-verbal cognitive skills.
  • Above average verbal cognitive skills.

It is crucial to remember that, unlike autism, people with Asperger’s may not have problems with language development. They are generally noted for having strong grammar and a sophisticated vocabulary at an early age.

However, many people struggle with language disorders. That is, a young child who is too literal may have difficulty communicating in a social setting.

Often there are no obvious signs of a deficit in cognitive development. Although children with aspergers may have trouble concentrating, organizing themselves, or show well-developed skills in some areas, but not so much in others, they usually have average or even above-average intelligence.

asperger's syndrome cbd oil

Characteristics of Asperger syndrome

Below we discuss in a little more detail some of the behavioral traits that characterize a person with Asperger Syndrome.

Have artistic or intellectual interests

Many people with Asperger Syndrome will have talent and interest in at least one specific area of knowledge or the arts.

It is common for them to begin to excel effectively in their field of interest from an early age, and they will continue to do so throughout their lives. For example, a notable historical figure with Asperger’s symptoms was Wolfgang A. Mozart.

This talented composer continued to excel in his art well into his old age. It is said that he began writing music as a young child.

It is now known that people with Asperger Syndrome can excel in a variety of occupations, including:

  • Web page design.
  • Photograph.
  • Engineering.

Delayed motor development

Another characteristic of some children with Asperger syndrome has to do with a delay in the growth of their motor skills. Children with delayed fine motor skills may have trouble holding a pencil correctly, or using their fingers to hold objects.

Even after numerous demonstrations, delayed motor skills can make it difficult for them to swing, or throw a ball overhead.

This trait can be seen in both mild and more severe cases and usually varies greatly from person to person. In this sense, occupational therapy can be helpful for someone with Aspergers.

Differences in speaking

A person with asperger syndrome may show certain variations or differences in speech, such as:

  • A monotonous tone of speech.
  • Absence of verbal rhythm.
  • Change of voice tone in certain words.

Because many people with Asperger syndrome do not outgrow it, they share the same traits as children. They often struggle to adjust the volume of their voice to suit the situation.

In addition, people with Asperger’s often speak out loud in enclosed spaces such as libraries. Fortunately, those who struggle with speech or communication skills can find relief with speech therapy.

Poor social skills

A person with Asperger syndrome may feel lonely throughout most of childhood and into adulthood due to restricted areas of interest and low emotional intelligence.

Although they strive to make friends, because they lack social skills, they are often only partially successful or unsuccessful.

Ultimately, they may show curiosity, or a lack of interest in the conversations, and views of the people they briefly befriend.

It is not surprising that someone with Asperger Syndrome may need help in these areas. In other words, autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that affects social and communication skills.

Although they usually do not have verbal deficits as in classic autism, they may experience social difficulties. The good news is that many people with Asperger’s syndrome benefit from social skills instruction, or other forms of therapeutic support.

They are detail-oriented people

Although many of the above characteristics are not necessarily the most manageable, this stage of the autism spectrum, as asperger’s syndrome is now known, can also have many wonderful features.

One of those very useful benefits is a detail orientation that exceeds the tastes of the average person. Numerous professions, sports, hobbies and other highly successful activities are associated with a high level of attention to detail.

Thus, a person with asperger syndrome may be able to notice small details in books, music, pictures, ideas, or numerical patterns. As a result, they tend to have a strong work ethic, excelling in areas such as accounting and design, where every detail is relevant.


Persistence is one of the most fundamental qualities that can be of great help in any field, regardless of the course of action one may follow in life.

Having Asperger syndrome translates into several benefits, one of which is the ability to persevere in areas where many others may fail.

In fact, an individual with Asperger’s can accomplish amazing things, both professionally and personally, completing tasks at any cost, and withstanding any type of crisis.

cbd for asperger syndrome

Can CBD help with Asperger syndrome?

As mentioned at the beginning, CBD products have gained popularity among people with Asperger’s syndrome. This is mainly due to the therapeutic benefits of cannabidiol CBD.

Although no two people with Asperger syndrome are alike, we have already mentioned that there are common behavioral traits, such as:

  • Difficulties to interact and communicate socially.
  • Restricted and repetitive behavior patterns.
  • In very severe cases, seizures may occur.

CBD for aspergers may be an alternative as it could help control stress and anxiety levels during social interactions.

It can also promote feelings of relaxation, helping to reduce self-destructive behavior. In many cases it also helps to reduce the frequency, or even the severity, of seizures.

In addition, CBD can improve mood by boosting the production of anandamide. Anandamide is an endocannabinoid that is synthesized in the brain, specifically in areas where memory, motivation, and other cognitive processes are managed.

The inability to interact socially is probably one of the most common symptoms of aspergers. Many people with this syndrome experience anxiety, and are unable to communicate effectively.

Although research so far is insufficient, anecdotal evidence for the use of CBD for asperger’s is positive. And as noted above, this cannabidiol can be used to treat the anxiety and stress that many people with asperger’s experience in social settings.

CBD is known to interact positively with the anterior cingulate cortex of the brain, which is vital for the integration of cognitive information. This means that it can be used to treat conditions related to stress and anxiety.

asperger cbd

Is it safe to use CBD for aspergers?

It is impossible to overdose on CBD because this cannabidiol has no psychotropic or addictive properties. Therefore, it is considered a natural and possibly safer substitute for current anti-anxiety, antidepressant and anticonvulsant drugs.

Of course, we cannot say with certainty whether CBD is a useful supplement for treating Asperger’s syndrome, as researchers are just beginning to explore its possibilities in this field.

However, it is important to make sure to consume only full-spectrum CBD products that do not contain high levels of THC. Being a psychoactive cannabinoid, THC reduces the levels of anandamide, which in people with asperger’s, can worsen their symptoms.

Consequently, before considering CBD as a treatment for Asperger’s syndrome, we recommend first consulting with a medical specialist.

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