Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal vitamin C has strong antioxidant effects

You’ve probably heard of antioxidants. Antioxidants are one of the ways the body has to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals, in turn, are by-products of burning the body’s energies that damage the body’s cells and tissues in addition to accelerating aging. How can we make up for this reaction? One of the keys is undoubtedly to eat a healthy diet rich in antioxidants. These are available in foods and can be divided into two categories: You’ve probably ever heard of antioxidants. Antioxidants are one of the ways the body has to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals, in turn, are by-products of burning the body’s energies that damage the body’s cells and tissues in addition to accelerating aging. How can we make up for this reaction? One of the keys is undoubtedly to eat a healthy diet rich in antioxidants. These are available in foods and can be divided into two categories:

  • Water-soluble antioxidants
  • Fat-soluble antioxidants

Some antioxidants belong to both groups such as Astaxanthin, one of the most effective antioxidants.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is among the first antioxidants to be discovered,in 1937 and its discovery was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Vitamin C, in addition to being a powerful antioxidant and nutrient, helps in collagen synthesis and maintain bone density.

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It is estimated that about one third of the population suffers from vitamin C deficiencies and 20% suffer from severe deficiencies.

In Columbus’s time, during the first trips to America, crew members fell ill with “the sailor’s plague.” This disease is actually called Scurvy and was contracted by severe vitamin C deficiencies as boat crew members went months without touching dirt and having access to fresh food sources of this precious antioxidant. Scurvy causes bleeding, fatigue, falling teeth and can become fatal. Vitamin C is on the one hand a vital necessity for our body and on the other a powerful nutrient and antioxidant from which we can benefit.

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What other benefits does vitamin C have?

  • Immune system protection
  • Prevention of cardiovascular disease
  • Vision and eye problems
  • Helps slow skin aging

Who is most exposed to vitamin C deficiency?

  • Smokers
  • Elderly
  • People residing in areas with high pollution
  • People who practice too much exercise

What sources of vitamin C are there?

Diet is a key factor in providing our body with the vitamin C it needs to shine. The more colorful and fresh the vegetables and fruits you eat, the more vitamin C you’ll be providing to your body. However, it is often impossible for us to reach the level of vitamin C that we need either because we are unable to carry out a proper feeding routine due to our complicated day-to-day life.

In addition to your diet, you can also use vitamin C supplements to help you reach your goal. Within the supplements that we can introduce into our body there is the intravenous and oral line. The first is the one that results in greater bioavailability of vitamin C. It’s still very expensive and you’ll need a specialist to manage it safely. This is why without a doubt the simplest and most available way for everyone is to consume Vitamin C supplements orally.

At this point we might think that we have solved the world’s vitamin C deficiency problems. However, the puzzle is much more complicated than we think. Taking oral vitamin C supplements the question is:

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How much vitamin C does our body manage to absorb?

The first thing to keep in mind is that vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant, i.e. the body does not store it but directly expels excesses with urine. On the other hand, one of the most popular side effects of traditional vitamin C orally depends directly on each individual’s intestinal tolerance to vitamin C. When ingested above the limit it causes diarrhea which on the one hand is annoying and on the other it further reduces the bioavailability of vitamin C. So increasing the dosage of traditional vitamin C supplements orally does not get it to actually reach cells and be synthesized and useful for our health.

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Liposomal Vitamin C as a solution to intestinal tolerance

Recent years have been studying how to overcome the barrier of intestinal tolerance to achieve more bioavailable oral vitamin C administration for all and therefore more effective.

What is liposomal vitamin C?

Liposomes are microscopic fat particles made of phospholipids that integrate the nutrient. That is, it is about encapsulating the water-soluble vitamin C between these fat microparticles with the aim of increasing absorption. When you ingest a capsule of liposomal vitamin C you will not only manage to take it into the bloodstream through intestinal absorption but you will also avoid diarrhea and intestinal problems.

Liposomal technology is present in nature as well. For example, breast milk contains nutrients encapsulated in fat microparticles so that they increase their bioavailability for the baby or calf.

Industrial processes to “liposome” vitamin C use lecithins as an emulsifier. The most common are soy and sunflower lecithins, the latter being considered to be of the best quality.

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What side effects does liposomal vitamin C have?

So far there are no known side effects caused by oral consumption of liposomal vitamin C. Under no circumstances will consuming an excess of vitamin C be toxic to the body, but it is inefficient in the sense that this excess will be eliminated and not exploited by our cells.

Source: Goldman Laboratories

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