CBD for osteoporosis

According to recent research, it is possible to use CBD for osteoporosis and get positive results. This CBD osteoporosis relationship has been the subject of several studies, including one looking at the effects of CBD cannabidiol on fractures.

While more research is clearly needed, the possibility that this cannabidiol could be used to aid in osteoporosis treatments is promising.

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What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disorder characterized by loss of bone density, brittle and weak bones. Bone fractures are more common in people with osteoporosis. In fact, a fracture is the first symptom of osteoporosis in many adults.

To get an idea of its magnitude, in the United States alone, eight million women and two million men suffer from osteoporosis. In addition, an estimated 44 million Americans have osteopenia. Osteopenia is low bone density that puts a person at risk for osteoporosis and fractures.

Weakening of the bones increases the risk of fractures. In their lifetime, one in two women and one in four men will have a low-impact fracture of the spine, hip, pelvis or wrist. However, many fractures caused by osteoporosis can be prevented if the disease is diagnosed and treated early.

As noted above, studies show that CBD can be used for osteoporosis as a treatment to improve fractures.


What causes osteoporosis?

To understand the relationship between CBD and osteoporosis, it is important to know what causes osteoporosis. The first thing to understand is that your bones are constantly regenerating, while at the same time the old bones are breaking down.

As you age, the balance between new bone formation and the breakdown of old bone changes. Your body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone when you’re young. This means that your bone mass increases.

As you reach your 20s, the balance begins to shift and most people reach their peak bone mass in their 30s. After that age, you may begin to lose bone at a faster rate than it regenerates.

The amount of bone mass you develop as a child influences your risk of developing osteoporosis. Maximum bone mass is inherited to some extent and varies by ethnicity. The more bone you have “in reserve,” the less likely you are to develop osteoporosis as you age.

What are the risk factors?

The following are some of the more common risk factors for osteoporosis:

  • Being a woman.
  • Be over 50 years old.
  • Having a family history of osteoporosis, especially if your mother or father had a hip fracture.
  • Being of white or Asian ancestry.
  • Low body weight.
  • Low estrogen levels for women; low testosterone levels for men.
  • Having hyperthyroidism.
  • Chronic use of steroids and other medications.

However, other factors influence the likelihood of osteoporosis. In other words, if one or more of the following situations apply to you, you are at risk of suffering from osteoporosis:

  • You have a slim build.
  • You have early menopause, or you have a history of irregular menstrual periods.
  • You get little exercise and your calcium intake is low.
  • You didn’t get pregnant.
  • If you are very light-skinned, your risk of osteoporosis is higher compared to darker-skinned people.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs such as steroids or anticonvulsants.
  • Certain diabetes medications increase the risk of fractures.
  • Having family members with osteoporosis.
osteoporosis cbd oil

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

Although most people don’t realize they have osteoporosis until they have a fracture, there are some indications and symptoms you may notice as the disease progresses.

  • Stooped posture.
  • Back pain.
  • Low impact bone fracture of the hip, spine, or wrist.
  • Loss of height over time.
osteoporosis cbd

Can CBD be used for osteoporosis?

Research on CBD for osteoporosis has revealed a key aspect of osteoclasts, cells that degrade, resorb, and remodel bone. Osteoclasts have a cell receptor that, when activated, increases their activity and accelerates bone deterioration.

This cellular receptor is known as the GPR55 receptor. The introduction of drugs that stimulate this receptor causes osteoclasts to become activated, resulting in a loss of bone density, as shown by tests in laboratory animals.

It is believed that an antagonist, or a drug that blocks the GRP55 receptor, decreases osteoclast activity and thus helps preserve bone density. In relation to this, the researchers found that CBD cannabidiol inhibits the activation of this receptor.

As a result, CBD efficiently and substantially reduces the activity of osteoclasts or bone degrading cells. This is important because bone density is a measure of the balance between bone formation and bone breakdown.

Therefore, when osteoclasts (the cells that break down bone) are suppressed, osteoblasts can act more efficiently, tipping the balance in favor of increased bone density. At least in experimental animals, this has been established.

cbd osteoporosis

CBD Can Help Heal Fractures

In addition, other research has also shown that when laboratory animals are exposed to CBD, bone repair after a fracture occurs much faster.

The findings indicate that CBD osteoporosis accelerates the body’s ability to repair and improve the strength of broken or shattered bones. Scientists gave 5 mg of CBD oil to a lab rat suffering from alveolar bone loss.

Tests revealed a decrease in alveolar bone loss in the rat at the end of the 30-day test period. In addition, the doctors validated the decreased migration of neutrophils in the gingival tissues, which is a medical word for the gum area of the body.

It is therefore established that CBD for osteoporosis can strengthen the structural integrity of weaker bones and promote an active and healthy life as a natural treatment.

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